Pennzoil ultra platinum (Amazon)

As we know, oil is very subjective. I'm Canadian, our oil prices are very high, $75. Or so for the same oil here.
pennzoil is a great oil, on sale at canadiantire right now for 36.99 and if you buy 2 theres a mailin rebate for $20 if you buy 2. so 10L for $60 not bad. ive got it cheaper than that before too... I havent used it yet but they now have the euro 0w30 that meets API SN and is non-energy conserving... seems to meet the spec written in my book.
pennzoil is a great oil, on sale at canadiantire right now for 36.99 and if you buy 2 theres a mailin rebate for $20 if you buy 2. so 10L for $60 not bad. ive got it cheaper than that before too... I havent used it yet but they now have the euro 0w30 that meets API SN and is non-energy conserving... seems to meet the spec written in my book.
Thanks, unfortunately I bought 2 jugs today and never received anything regarding the rebate. The store is 35km from home. At least my labor rate is low, lol.
I mostly use Mobil 1 and get it at Walmart, usually cheaper then Canadian tire. Use it on the Nytro and the winder, zero issues in over 12,000 miles with both sleds. Believe it is on sale now for $29.97
dont forget to get your mailin rebate, im going to get some if its on for that price, great oil, what viscosity do you use in your nytro
Thanks, unfortunately I bought 2 jugs today and never received anything regarding the rebate. The store is 35km from home. At least my labor rate is low, lol.
the rebate is on all you need is your receipt and submit it online with pennzoil its on at least once if not twice per year. i got $50 back in amazon gift cards once for buying two jugs, was like getting 5L for $15.

On the subject of oil, Walmart sells Mobile 1 and they just did rollback pricing. From 29.86 to 26.97 for the 5qt jug. 10% price drop.
Makes me wonder if oil pricing is coming down in general. Idk.
ACEA A5/B5 is designed for high shear resistance, and is especially suggested in most modern higher performance cars with a turbo.
Thanks, the Pennzoil Ultra Platinum meets that.
I'll have to make a sacrifice of one of the containers for war
LOL, nice. I would bet the owners manual on that didn't even suggest synthetic oil. I had a 2019 Camaro SS, stupidity on my part, and wrapped it into a tree. First and only accident so far.
Aww...sorry to hear. Sucks!! What did you replace it with, a minivan?
Car is a 6sp, low boost (12psi) stroker, she's been underprivileged, using any oil I happen to grab. Lol. Time to give her the good stuff, or maybe it's too late?!?! Lol.
I started using Amsoil in the late 1970's and have never been disappointed.
After this I changed to tflash's recommendation of amsoil signature series 0w-30. I also pick up some chaincase oil when I buy from them. It smells like heavy oil in the garage when ever I change the both of them in the spring. All my Blackstone reports come back good.
After this I changed to tflash's recommendation of amsoil signature series 0w-30. I also pick up some chaincase oil when I buy from them. It smells like heavy oil in the garage when ever I change the both of them in the spring. All my Blackstone reports come back good.
I have to credit knappattack for 0W-30 choice over 0W-40 or 5W-30 or 10W-40, etc. A few less HP lost pumping oil, better oiling at start-up, and less drag at high RPM.
Personally, I use Signature Series Amsoil in my truck, my sleds, my boat, my chain saw, my ATV. From years of reading updates to Rat540 Oil blog, Amsoils products are always at or near the top. (No, I don't work for Amsoil, LOL!).
