Pennzoil ultra platinum (Amazon)

Check out bobistheoilguy forums. Lots of interesting information on oil, oil sampling, results, etc.

If the oil stays in grade and meets spec, they all do the same job. That’s the basic summary. One brand isn’t wildly better than any other brand. The oil sampling companies say the same thing. Use whatever makes you sleep better at night. Whatever brand is your favourite, their marketing department thanks you for your loyalty.
Lol...gotta love those Hondas. Never quit!!
My farmer neighbors son put the oil filter in the housing, backwards and blowed up da Honda 4 wheeler!
Derek from vice grip garage loves rotella...says its loaded with vitamins!
Yep, seriously! It the only oil I’ve ever had an oil related failure with. And seeing how poor it rates on Rat540’s list I can see why. It may be fine in a diesel where it was designed I don’t know. I just know my ATV started slowing dramatically, and it was because the intake valves were barely moving anymore. Took it apart and the intake cam lobe was wiped. Only use Mobile 1 0-40 FS European Formula in all my engines that requore 40 weight, including my wet clutch motorcycles and ATV’s. No problems since. Mobile 1 0-40 is the highest rated 40 weight on Rats blog by a wide margin. I use it in my Biturbo Mercedes, and all my Audi’s as well. Mobile 1 0-40 is an actual proven stout oil!

For vehicles with 30 weight requirements, I use Quaker State full synthetic 5-30, which was rated number one on rats blog. It has since decreased a bit in pressure and wear resistance, but it is still rated number one if I recall. It’s right up there with the good Amsoil‘s, and you can buy it at Walmart at a bargain of a price, same with the mobile 1.
Polaris ATV?
No, Honda ATV.
Wow, I've never seen a Honda ATV cam do that and I work on a lot of Honda's.
However, I have in the shop now a CRF230 with all the lobes ground down substantially.
