Phazer Motor Teardown

cannon, on my sled they say i wrecked the gears inside the motor? is that the gear reduction?
phaze5 said:
cannon, on my sled they say i wrecked the gears inside the motor? is that the gear reduction?

Yes I would think thats the ones.From the looks of this failed one I kind of agree with my dealer say if its going to fail it will go early in life of motor.All the heat must be created from the two gears being to tight to one another.After a while they would "break in".The 5lbs of wieght added on though is alot to get spinning at over 9000rpm.I wish that weight were on the crank itself maybe.
Cams.No signs of valve float or anything odd going on here.


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Timing chain tensioner
It doesnt lock like most for install.Instead it has a little latch that goes over a pin.Once installed you must release latch then it comes out and is not allowed back in.Here is open and closed positions


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Decomp is two wieghts which open once motor is running from centrifugal force overcoming the springs on weights those wieghts turn a eccentric in cam that makes a pin go in or out.When out which would be at startup the pin opens exhaust valve a little bit letting motor turn over easy since compression is lost.Weights are riveted on so I assume update must replace the whole gear.

Both positions of decomp:


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Great post.

Your comments on the counterbalancer bearing bolts and the gear reduction failing early in the life of the motor (if at all) have given me a little more faith in my sled.

With over 12,000 km of trouble free riding on my VL to date it's nice to have reassurance that the motor is well built.

Good stuff ;)!
Great job with the post. Lots of great pics. Seeing what is going on inside helps show what the failure was on my phazer. Allways had gear noise when new (gear reduction) that friends 2008 never had. Sounds like only small number of early production 2007 sleds had the problem. Wish Yamaha had paid the repair bill. :die Only had 1800 miles when gears failed.
Rods are the weak point on this motor, At least under boost. Anything over 16 lbs for extended time will fail. (been there done that) Next is the block It tends to crack at boost numbers above 20 lbs, The pistons are very good for stock, And the complete motor is good for stock except the counterbalancer, gear reduction problems on a limited number of 07 models.
Heh cannondale would you happen to have an idea on the top ring end butt clearance. And the piston to cylinder clearance. inthis engine.


