Phazer Motor Teardown

Iam thinking about nitrous in my engine and trying to figure out the safety zone i have
From the gaps I am seeing its not much.Should probably go bigger.

From manual
Top .006-.010in
2nd .012-.018in
oil .004-.016


Just to see....not required..but did you degree the cam or check valve leak before you pulled it down???

Great info by the way.
RJH said:
Just to see....not required..but did you degree the cam or check valve leak before you pulled it down???

Great info by the way.

I did check the valves none were leaking.Never thought of degreeing the cams.Wish I would have.Maybe if I find time I will put it together enough to degree them.You have my curiosity peaked.Could afford to lose a little lowend for topend gain.Cam timing could easily do that.What are guys running on the 5valve heads?On the Cannondales we get best topend with 110-112 Intake and 108-109 exhaust.3deg seperation prefered.
ak said:
16 lbs to 18 lbs is 180 hp. Ive never had it on a dyno but have talked to others that have.

Wow!No wonder there is issues at that level.You got more nads than me for sure.
No.I would guess no more than 70lbs.You can pick it up and carry it around no problem.Once I get head back will weigh the motor.
cannondale27 said:
RJH said:
Just to see....not required..but did you degree the cam or check valve leak before you pulled it down???

Great info by the way.

I did check the valves none were leaking.Never thought of degreeing the cams.Wish I would have.Maybe if I find time I will put it together enough to degree them.You have my curiosity peaked.Could afford to lose a little lowend for topend gain.Cam timing could easily do that.What are guys running on the 5valve heads?On the Cannondales we get best topend with 110-112 Intake and 108-109 exhaust.3deg seperation prefered.

Again..nice pics thanks for the effort.

Other than valve would you adjust the cam on that engine.

Its hard to compare it to your bike as its a sled engine…bike engines need at least 1100 rpm to shift…with good close ratio transmission. The sled only needs about a 300 power band.

The YZ450F makes about 41 HP so 500cc making 80 is pretty cool.

You have had some time to look at it..what are your thoughts?
To adjust the cam timing I would have to make the gears adjustable.Doesnt look to difficult to do.I think being a sled engine which has such a broad peak hp like Ulmers dyno chart shows and a infinitly variable clutch it should be easier than a bike with less of a negative trade off to shoot for topend.I have one quad motor a 440cc that has 55hp as long as I wring the heck out of the clutch or am on a wide open track its awesome but anytime it hooks up hard on a launch or tight track its very hard to be consistant because of the lack of lowend.I agree its actually amazing we have 80hp stock!But looking at the head there sure seems to be potential.Once my porting guy gets a look I will let you know what he thinks.I am no expert in that.The head has a crack in the camchain area that is being repaired right now.Will be a week or so before it gets to porting guy.At over 6500mi I feel my motor has given me great service.Probably no need but I want to have a look inside anyway.This headporting and some other mods such as dual exhaust and intake mods are going to make the work of R&R'ing my motor worth it to me.
Youre the man Cannondale! This is a very cool thread!! I cant wait to find out the porting potential... would be coold if that netted some bigger HP###S (why wouldnt it?).
I do have to agree that 80 hp out of this is a feat in itself, very impressive. Would be nice to see a similar motor in a new Banshee (I know theyve done it).
Thanx for taking the time to post this info, I am on MANY forums and this site is all around THE BEST!!
Thanks for the info on the phazer engine. I am working on a phazer summer project. This engine looks like a cross between half of of the R-1 engine and the YZ250F. My sled isn't here yet but here are my plans.
I am planning on big bore / stroke and turbocharging it. I have already worked out the details on a new crank, longer lighter stonger rods and a custom run on pistions. My question after seeing your pictures is how much meat is between the two cylinders. There doesn't appear to be much and I may have to re-think the big bore or down size it. I know this may seem like I am doing this backwords...but I had to make sure I would have all the other parts available befor I took this project on.


FYI...on the porting I have seen mid 40's on the dyno with the YZ250F dirt bike I think with the porting and cam work you should be able to reach the 100 hp mark with a twin cylinder.
I am working on new cylinders to accomodate the stroke and longer rods.
