Quiet Collar

Well.... I applaud his effort in doing something different. I do know the grease he speaks of. I know for a fact he's not lying. I just can't speak on behalf of its ability to sustain any better than a $20 tube.
We are all going to change it at one time. Some will have to do it more than others.

He is not lying about what? Nobody said he is lying, but the claims of the superiority of the grease and oil he sells.. ok, that is up for real debate.

I am all for trying something new. I have done more than my fair share of experiments with things that should not work so I do not call out anyone on FB for whatever it is they are 'trying out' and it is FB so caveat emptor. Nothing against Anthony, I have chatted with him a couple of times but I do agree with Mike that he is sorta border line in how he represents some of his 'product'. Renaming the Knockout kit to Quiet Ring is taking ownership of a product when basically he has nothing to do with it other than selling grease.

This isn't FB however and we should be looking at everything through the lens of experience and common sense. Here is the logic. If you are going to put something in your engine, are you really sure you want to put in a product that claims it contains a material which is harder than the metal it is supposed to protect. The underlying claim is that it protects metals from wear for which the only answer is.. then they aren't really based on ceramics because you cannot protect a soft material by trying to lubricate it with a harder material... hard to take it seriously.
Sorry earthling...let me be clear. I don't like bashing of any sort. Calling someone a fk'n douchebag doesn't solve the problem. Sorry if it somehow gets you high. I said he's using $100 a tube Grease. please highlight the statement where I said it's better?
Bud, we don't have time for this. We should be thrashing on our sleds getting ready for snow. Carry on. ....lol
By the way, this is the United States of America and we prosper on free enterprise. Last time I checked bop doesn't patent his products. And last time I checked he doesn't care. So why do the rest of us care?
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Sorry earthling...let me be clear. I don't like bashing of any sort. Calling someone a fk'n douchebag doesn't solve the problem. Sorry if it somehow gets you high. I said he's using $100 a tube Grease. please highlight the statement where I said it's better?
Bud, we don't have time for this. We should be thrashing on our sleds getting ready for snow. Carry on. ....lol

Mmmm... never said you said anything. And, as I stated, I have nothing against Anthony, just some of his marketing skills. Too much time, and not enough snow.. We had rideable trails in Quebec until this week, then record rainfall...
Mmmm... never said you said anything. And, as I stated, I have nothing against Anthony, just some of his marketing skills. Too much time, and not enough snow.. We had rideable trails in Quebec until this week, then record rainfall...
We should have paid more attention to vice president Gore 20 years ago. Lol. Just kidding....I'm with ya, can't take much more of this.....peace in your day.
Knappattack, he is selling the Tapp product. Just using different Grease. Try to breathe!! Lol.

So long as he's buying it from TAPP then I'm cool with it, but his instructions don't have the TAPP name on the top, which is why I guess I assumed he was being flagrant about his theft of the product and making his own rings. Appologies if I assumed incorrectly.

Patents or trademarks be damned, if the idea is being stolen, as in the case of PEFI stealing BOP shaft saver idea and selling it as their own, then thats when I have a problem with it, thats my feelings on the matter. There are many schneisters out there who have no tact and/or morels and that where I get my fur up....
So long as he's buying it from TAPP then I'm cool with it, but his instructions don't have the TAPP name on the top, which is why I guess I assumed he was being flagrant about his theft of the product and making his own rings. Appologies if I assumed incorrectly.

Patents or trademarks be damned, if the idea is being stolen, as in the case of PEFI stealing BOP shaft saver idea and selling it as their own, then thats when I have a problem with it, thats my feelings on the matter. There are many schneisters out there who have no tact and/or morels and that where I get my fur up....
We ain't got time for this crap! Snows coming!! I know....you'll see. Lol.
So long as he's buying it from TAPP then I'm cool with it, but his instructions don't have the TAPP name on the top, which is why I guess I assumed he was being flagrant about his theft of the product and making his own rings. Appologies if I assumed incorrectly.

Patents or trademarks be damned, if the idea is being stolen, as in the case of PEFI stealing BOP shaft saver idea and selling it as their own, then thats when I have a problem with it, thats my feelings on the matter. There are many schneisters out there who have no tact and/or morels and that where I get my fur up....

I had a great lesson in intellectual property theft back in the early 2000s. Went to China to a tradeshow and a guy I know tells me I might want to head towards the back of the show because he believes my product got ripped off. I head back there and yes, they had reverse engineered our software enough to replace all of the logos with their logos and the menu text with chinese text. I confront the guy in the booth who keeps smiling and telling me how great the product is in Mandarin (I had a translator with me). The product is half hardware which is quite complex and half software, and he really hasn't broken anything or changed anything, just converted it to the local language with his logo to represent as his product. After about a half hour of getting more progressively worked up about it I just gave up trying to talk through a translator and told the guy in english 'f*** it if you want to resell the product bad enough that you are willing to go through all that trouble, more power to you' and the guy, without hesitation answers me in perfect english. "Now you know what you are up against in China, you learned your lesson in a half hour, and now we can be partners". We went out for drinks and sealed the deal, he put our logo back and became our rep in mainland China selling millions of dollars of product for us over the years. The rest of the story is better but even more off topic. Anthony should not be removing or changing logos without permission, he should be selling the Tapp product as the product it is with his special sauce as added value. If his grease is better, then he should be able to at least state that it will require changing less often and many people would see value in that alone. If that is what he is doing, he should just say that instead of calling it something else.
I see Dave from Tapp is not too happy about the copycat kit….


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I see Dave from Tapp is not too happy about the copycat kit….
Nature of the beast. Basically going to kill this site as time goes on as well. Everyone is out for themselves to make a buck of whoever they can.
I see Dave from Tapp is not too happy about the copycat kit….

So is the kit on eBay a copycat kit like I suspected it was?

I just joined that Facebook site with my wifes FB account cause I don't have one... Boy are there some complete idiots on there! OMG I swear I just got dumber. I have never seen such incompetence in my life. People are in a world of hurt if they use that site for any kind of credible information. Crazy stuff! No wonder I don't want Facebook! I do like it for the Marketplace however.
So is the kit on eBay a copycat kit like I suspected it was?

I just joined that Facebook site with my wifes FB account cause I don't have one... Boy are there some complete idiots on there! OMG I swear I just got dumber. I have never seen such incompetence in my life. People are in a world of hurt if they use that site for any kind of credible information. Crazy stuff! No wonder I don't want Facebook! I do like it for the Marketplace however.
My understanding it’s Tapp’s ring with different grease. It’s not a knock off. lol but that’s funny. knock off of the knock out. lol and if that’s the case he’s still getting paid some how thru distribution.
