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Ripsaw Vs. Cobra


Jan 30, 2009
Northern ME
I have a 121 ripsaw with 198 woody's and its getting to be that time where i need to replace my track. I was thinking about switching to a cobra.. Those of you that run the cobra on your sleds, how does it compare with the ripsaw studded or unstudded? I am not pleased with how the ripsaw hooks up in looser trail conditions and the cobra looks to be the next step up.

My Cobra hooks like crazy in loose conditions. I don't feel it is as good on hard pack as my Ripsaw was though. I lost about 6-8 MPH on top end with it. I will probably be switching back to a 1.25 next time around.
number1kyster said:
My Cobra hooks like crazy in loose conditions. I don't feel it is as good on hard pack as my Ripsaw was though. I lost about 6-8 MPH on top end with it. I will probably be switching back to a 1.25 next time around.

that is not good as i'm 1.450" studding a cobra as we speak... i don't want to lose that much top end.
in the yamacharger thread, stone has a 136 cobra and he was the fastest...hun makes you think ?
Cobra will not take a back seat to a Ripsaw under about any conditions, and regarding any loose conditions, it's in a differnt league. Guys think you're full of it when speaking about the difference - until they see it or ride it.

If I were going to run studs though, and looking for good loose snow performance, I'd probably go with a 1" track, likely a Predator.
ahicks said:
Cobra will not take a back seat to a Ripsaw under about any conditions, and regarding any loose conditions, it's in a differnt league. Guys think you're full of it when speaking about the difference - until they see it or ride it.

If I were going to run studs though, and looking for good loose snow performance, I'd probably go with a 1" track, likely a Predator.

I lost 3-4mph on top with cobra and 144 studs compared to my ripsaw with the same amount of studs. That was with he same clutching I had with the ripsaw. I may have been able to dial in more top end, but I sold the sled....
I have had the ripsaw, predator (carve), and the cobra, my fav so far is the predator its faster on the top end, more durable, and better in the powder then the cobra.

Although you may not be able to find them the cobra is the next best thing. Ripsaw is junk IMO
I have an Ice Ripper XT and think that is a good track but I see now Camoplast is making an Ice Attack with 1.375" lugs. If I knew they were coming out with that I would have bought that instead. Deeper lugs with the built in small studs... You won't beat anyone out on the lake but for trail riding or finding any loose snow youll hook up!!!
75% of my riding is lake riding, ungroomed, mostly powder. Are you saying the predator or cobra track would be more suitable for me? Nobody studs they're tracks where i ride, no groomed trails anywhere, and lots of snow (except this year).
ripsaw cobra

I am putting on a cobra right now with new rear suspension, these guys who are saying that they loose 3to 8mph with it I thinks it is in the dream meter not the actual mph. I think the ripsaw sucks for a all around good track it only good on hard packed groomed trails. I would loose 10 to 15 mph on a groomed tail with about 4to 6 inches of light loose snow on it. we will see this weekend new track and Zx2 suspension.
I have a Cobra on my Attak and saw 118 on GPS. I really didn't notice all that much of a difference on a typical groomed trail, but once it gets loose or snow is on it, the Cobra defiantly out hooks the Ripsaw. It's still not a off trail powder track, but it's not nearly as bad as the Ripsaw was at that.
In super hard pack the ripsaw may have an advantage, but that's it. The cobra works waaay better in chewed up corners and most trail conditions imo.
cobra ripsaw

had both on same sled if top end is your bag rip saw traction cocra the heavier the snow the slower the cobra it has a lot more resitence when pulling the cuperd lugs out of the papked snow radar runs shaved ripsaw 121 1.25 ripsaw 119 cobra 113 ice -15 c
kegaroony said:
75% of my riding is lake riding, ungroomed, mostly powder. Are you saying the predator or cobra track would be more suitable for me? Nobody studs they're tracks where i ride, no groomed trails anywhere, and lots of snow (except this year).

Without a doubt.
