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RS engine/performance mods, anyone doing any? UPDATE12/30/10

The only dyno they saw was the lake. Sleds that would once slowly roll by no longer did so, I would run right along side. That was with no other changes to the sled... no jetting, clutching, nothing.

That would be awesome if you started offering those! I haven't found anyone who does yet. Those with a high flow header, maybe the clutch kit......should really make an improvement. Please let us know if you decide to do that. Thanks!
bjowett said:
Yes, I made those. An acqauintance tig welded them. I've been considering offering them for years now... might be time?

Any pics of these, or are they a highly kept secret?? ;)!
bjowett said:
Yes, I made those. An acqauintance tig welded them. I've been considering offering them for years now... might be time?

What's your verdict?? Did it deliver as you predicted back in '95? How much more hp/torque did you get over stock set up??
Well.....got my head back last night! I was working on it for a few hours.....still have alot to go before it's done. My brother ported it and said that the design was actually pretty good to begin with, but was definitely able to make improvements. I took pictures of what everything looked like, so I'll post them when I get a chance.

So that timing chain tensioner.....what a Beotch! I was tired, cold, and could contort my fingers that well, but finally got it. So, I think the worst is over now, just gotta remember the order of everything going back on and which hoses went where.

I'll keep everyone posted in what the results are. Another bad thing, I don't have access to a dyno. I should be able to tell if it's making more power by the rpms. It held at about 8400-8500, so if it starts over-revving, WE GOT MORE POWER!!!!

Gotta go to work now, I work 2nd shift.....I should just blow the day off and get this together. But I used up all my days recently here, we had our first child and she's a month old. So can't blow the day off, and don't have as much time now to do stuff, so bear with me. I'll post results as soon as I get them.
Ok...got home from work tonight, both my borthers were waiting for me. Get it all together tonight!

So, there is no bad news, just good news and neutral news.

Good news: the sled is not any slower, no bogs, no lag, not a dive in power at any rpm.

Neutral news: The sled didn't feel like it was going to rip my arms off, like I hoped, which could be too much to ask right off the bat. I actually can say that it also feels not much faster. I raced my brother's Polaris switchback 600, which we used to run neck and neck for a bit, then he would slowly pull me up top. And now we have the same senario. But, for some reason, and it may be just cuz I haven't ridden for a couple weeks, the sled feels really good around 5k-6k rpm range, like it would take off and rip some arms off if it weren't being held back. Almost like you could throw more weight at the clutch and it would pull it, or loosen the hell out of the 2ndary and she'd pull it.

Both of my borthers have alot of experience with 2 strokes and 4 strokes. For example, my brother worked on a quad, a 4 stroke with CV carbs. My other brother ported it, and to make a long story short, they were able to take the airbox lid completely off and go from 215 mains to 285 mains to get the power they wanted! They both said it could be that airbox holding this sled back. I know everyone says to LEAVE IT STOCK, but I now have a different case since I am no longer stock. I could be wrong also. But I will defintely explore it in the next few days. I will also try to get an AFR gauge on soon.

All said and done, i am happy! Nothing went wrong, worst case, if anything, it stayed the same. But now that I know she's flowing better, it's time to start tuning. Gonna start with the airbox and maybe some jetting.

Please chime in with any advice!
Thanks for the update. Let us know how your air flow experiments pan out. Hopefully when you get done you'll be able to take that Switchback. I ride with a 136" 600 Polaris IQ. My sled in stock engine form gets ahead from the holeshot and walks away from it all the way to top end.
Thanks for taking one for the team and testing this out on behalf of every RS owner ;)! Keep us updated!
That bog ol nasty airbox be gettin some holes drilled in it tonight!

Not gonna spend my time testing the water, just gonna dive right in!!!!! I want more out of this engine so bad, but I think it's gonna take a little time to get it. I'm just waiting for that light bulb to turn on...........
So, the saying goes "GO BIG OR GO HOME"

I took a hole saw to the airbox and gave it (2) nice 1 and 1/4 inch holes! I went big, got to a field nearby, and then went home! Too much. It was popping a bit, horrid throttle response, falling on its face. I went and plugged one of the holes up, leaving me with just one hole now. Took it back on the trails and was able to ride it. I did notice some lag in throttle response, not too bad though, very driveable (by the way, I ordered some carbs springs from Ulmer today, should help). But here's a good sign: I took it in a field, held her wide open, and now it's pulling right around 8900 rpms! I took it down the road and it banged about 9200 rpms and then right down to 8900-9000 rpms! I think I may be on to something here. It appears that with the box open a bit more, it's able to rev higher, so I am assuming there is more power now! So my next plans are to bump up the mains and see what that does. That would be kick a$$ to get that crackin throttle response back. And if it does, I'll pull that plugged hole apart and see if it pulls any higher rpms. Basically keep doing this a couple times. Of course, keeping an eye on plug color. What i really need to do is get that AFR meter on there and do it right, but I don't have access to it right now, so I will tweak a bit at a time.

I'm finally starting to get excited here, it looks like right now this isn't going to be a flop. I do understand it could still turn out that way, but seeing it pull a higher rpm now makes me happy. Damn CVK carbs are throwin me off, I haven't ever messed with these so I am just basically feeling around in the dark right now. I need to do some research and see what's going on here. I went to raise the needles, and found out there are no clips or washers on these like other carbs, no adjustment. What do you do about that? Buy new needles, shorter ones?

Man, it's late, need some rest!

Chime in if you know anything about CV carbs, please!
What exactly does these carb springs do??
