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RX Warrior suspension Bang


Dec 30, 2003
Cape Cod Mass.
Please help, I feel and hear a bang when going over bumps under the speed of 10 mph. I do not get the noise when going fast over bumps. It feels like it is coming from the front of the rear suspension. The machine has just over 100 miles on it. any advice on what is going on and how to fix it would be great.

capewarrior said:
Please help, I feel and hear a bang when going over bumps under the speed of 10 mph. I do not get the noise when going fast over bumps. It feels like it is coming from the front of the rear suspension. The machine has just over 100 miles on it. any advice on what is going on and how to fix it would be great.

How far are the front limiter straps pulled up :?: If they are pulled up without adjusting the shock you will here a bang :?: Hope this helps :!:
the straps and the shock are set to their medium setting. If I pull the limiter straps in what setting should I change for the shock. Should I change it to hard or soft. Thanks for your input.
Bob Miller, I did look for anything loose and found nothing. The noise seems to happen when the suspention uncompressing. Limiter straps or control rods?????? if so what do I do with them. Every thing was set to medium from the dealer. Thanks
I also get the same bang. I will sometimes get it up to 25 MPH. I can't figure out what is causing the bang either. Everything seems tight and in place. The limiter straps are the way they came from the factory. I have tightened up both rear shocks a little bit. At first I left the clicker shock on a light setting, only about 3 or 4 clicks. At this setting I never had a bang. I have since turned the clicker up tp about 15 clicks, and since I did this the sled rides alot better for my weight (255 lbs.), but I am now getting the banging on certain bumps. By the way, Yamaha says 16 different settings on this clicker shock, Mine has 22.
OK, I just looked at the suspension again and the limiter straps are not set to their middle setting. There about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 of thread under the bolts and about 1/2 inch above the bolts. The front shock on the rear suspension is set to middle. Could the limiter straps be causing the bang. Also I checked and everything has been greased.
You might want to check the track for looseness and alignment .Also check the drive chain tension. I have seen both of these make people think they have a suspension "noise".
Your not alone, I was up in Pittsburg NH for the last 9 days put on 745 miles talked to everyone who has one including the Yamaha Dealer there.
All the Warriors are doing this.
I am going to take a good hard look at it this week after all the ice thaws off of the suspension.
I really don't believe there is anything loose or out of adjustment.
I beleive this may be normal for the 136 suspension.
Bolth my warriors do it it's a thump when the suspention compresses then goes back. I can also hear the shock pressure alot.

I think it's just how the suspention is made.

Sure gives a much better ride then the 03 rx-1 did.

I just got back from Canada and I have 1100 miles on my Warrior. My suspension clunks also at low speeds. I met a French Canadian one night and he had added some type of torsion bars adapted from a Cat suspension to resolve this problem :roll:
I did not get details because his english and my french where both limited, but apparently it was added on to resolve this bothersome clunking :?
I think the banging is the center shock... As the skid leaves the ground and the center shock fully extends causing a bang.. then the suspension hits the ground and the bang is gone!!

Either way ill take the bang as long as the sled rides this GOOD :D
