Sidewinder Problems and Warranty Items.

Yamaha replaced secondary rollers, currently looking at primary spring wear.

I may be a special cause but dealer near me told me on my 500 mile oil change that I have the loudest turbo he has heard on sidewinder. During warm up and idle it starts whistling as to a tune that is noticeable over the muffler/engine. Also does the whistle during engine shut off too like a Subaru WRX after it shifts. Dealer even called Yamaha tech and tech said it shouldn't sound like that. Now at 611 miles it has gotten noticeably louder. Dealer is now in process of getting Turbo warrantied out as he believes it won't last. Hopefully I'm just the one and only but just letting the page know.
Yamaha replaced secondary rollers, currently looking at primary spring wear.

I may be a special cause but dealer near me told me on my 500 mile oil change that I have the loudest turbo he has heard on sidewinder. During warm up and idle it starts whistling as to a tune that is noticeable over the muffler/engine. Also does the whistle during engine shut off too like a Subaru WRX after it shifts. Dealer even called Yamaha tech and tech said it shouldn't sound like that. Now at 611 miles it has gotten noticeably louder. Dealer is now in process of getting Turbo warrantied out as he believes it won't last. Hopefully I'm just the one and only but just letting the page know.

mine was doing this..and now is froze up.......going in for turbo replacement saturday
I just got off a 100 mile ride after my dealer replaced my rollers. I previously blew a belt at 1,029 miles on my stock LTX-LE. Dealer thought flat spotted rollers may have contributed to it, snapped at 85-90 while cruising. Well shame on me, I checked them and didn't see any problem, all three were toast. I think now they were flat spotting for some time. Today the sled felt like it had lost a couple hundred pounds! The pull from a rolling 40 on up is significantly better. Before it pulled hard, now it rocks you back. Waaay better backshifting. Thanks to Randy at Meyer's in Ishpeming for catching and taking care of this! 1,500+ miles and headed for 2,000.
mine was doing this..and now is froze up.......going in for turbo replacement saturday
Wow, turbo gone? And it seems like a few others having a turbo go too?

This does not give me alot of confidence, anything causing this or just a few bad ones?

Wow, turbo gone? And it seems like a few others having a turbo go too?

This does not give me alot of confidence, anything causing this or just a few bad ones?


Dealer in my case said visually everything looked as it should and that nothing was missing or broken, IMO seeming to be bad batch.
Wow, turbo gone? And it seems like a few others having a turbo go too?

This does not give me alot of confidence, anything causing this or just a few bad ones?


i think theres just a bad batch and the luck of the draw...right from the get go...I didnt like the sound or feel of the turbo...then again lately knew it wasnt boosting fully...pulled the exhaust and the wheel was rough a bearing thats rough....a day later walked up to spin again and its locked up...ceramic ball bearings blah blah...
i think theres just a bad batch and the luck of the draw...right from the get go...I didnt like the sound or feel of the turbo...then again lately knew it wasnt boosting fully...pulled the exhaust and the wheel was rough a bearing thats rough....a day later walked up to spin again and its locked up...ceramic ball bearings blah blah...
thanks, good to know. Lets hope its just a few isolated.
i think theres just a bad batch and the luck of the draw...right from the get go...I didnt like the sound or feel of the turbo...then again lately knew it wasnt boosting fully...pulled the exhaust and the wheel was rough a bearing thats rough....a day later walked up to spin again and its locked up...ceramic ball bearings blah blah...

maybe Im jumping the gun...the manifold line and the airbox line were crossed!...Im just used to the sound of other turbos I suppose...this one sounds rough and sitting ...freezes up...but soon as fired..its spinning again
Dealer replaced turbo, after turbo replacement sled started to pump to much fuel not enough at. Dealer said it just fumed black smoke. After basically one solid day of talking to Yamaha techs they believe that it is fuel pump and regulator. Was told per dealer that the basic psi is 40 pounds and that when my sled is running it pushes 80 pounds for the pump.
I went up to Fort-Kent Maine last week my winder blew 3 belts went to a dealer up there clutch was not aligned .they had to machine my secondary clutch, I will see what happens next week with the result of the repair . I have 1.700miles about 8 belts exploded
I hadn't spoken to my dealer, only have 43 miles. I notified them that I lost one if the turbo bolts. I had ordered the bolt myself already and just was told it is backordered 'til end of Feb. I'll go crazy if my next ride is March! The dealer doesn't have any bolts but have some ordered. They are going to take a bolt off a floor model for me. They claimed they have only seen 3 out of 10 serviced with flat spots on rollers.
I lost 2 of my turbo bolts within 50 miles also, my dealer took care of it right away ,
Belt blown at 600 miles. 8DN blown 200 miles later. Seat heater inoperative.
One of the reason I posted the above statement is that I have spoke to a few dealers and they have Zero reported problems withe rollers and or other issues that have been reported on the site. Thats not good if there is a problem that needs to be addressed. I tell you what anyone that is on the fence about purchasing a Sidewinder, go for it!! I have 800 miles on mines with no problems and I think there are more unit with no problems then with issues and the numbers at the dealers are showing this.
I went to Woody's in Topsham, Maine for one of my belts last week. I was not so much floored by the fact they have not heard of belt issues, I was floored by the fact no one at Woody's apparently keeps a finger on the pulse at TY. "Anyone here hear of belts blowing on Winders?" "Nope."

Well, they know now.
1800 miles no blown belts , osp adjuster since 500 miles , changed out the secondary rollers to hi torque before it ever hit the snow. 119 mph . friend of mine has the thundercat with the same miles amount of miles and his belt snapped about 150 miles ago.
only problem I see with mine is when I burp the tank and cram all the gas in I can it cuts out at about 6500-7000 rmp for the first 20-30 miles then is fine, I stopped burping the tank and never happened again .
