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Silver Lake, Mi. campout July 8,9,10,11 2010 finalized plans

Been up 4 times already this year, Great place. The State Park is not bad on staying up late and beverages, as long as your not out of control I have never had a problem there. I will be up both weekends.


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DV8, are you planning on being there Memorial weekend? If so , where are you staying. We will be at Silver Lake resort and campground.

Still hoping to make the TY Silver lake dates also!!
Sno-Xr said:
DV8, are you planning on being there Memorial weekend? If so , where are you staying. We will be at Silver Lake resort and campground.

Still hoping to make the TY Silver lake dates also!!

Yes I am planning on being there, Most likely State Park, or a friend just bought some land there, we might camp there. Lets meet up and wheel some time that weekend, Do you take the Samuari in your pic?
Sounds good! Yepp, I take the Geo. It does pretty good, just a little shy on HP,about 200 HP shy!! lol
We are heading up to Holland to hang with Team Gravedigger and then we are going to Silver Lake on Sat. to find a good spot for us to get reserved for this campout. Keep watching this thread for updates!
We had a great weekend and have a few good prospects for places to stay, One place has 3 cabins for rent and would be ideal! We are waiting on a few return phone calls and we are going to lock in a place for us to stay.
We need to know who is going to be staying with us and who is just going to meet with us during the day.
Thanks to Team Gravedigger for showing us around Silver Lake and for all of the hospitality! You guys are great people!
T.S.U.Filmz said:
we are looking to camp out up there for the weekend.
We found out that the state park is already booked for that weekend and after talking to a few of the locals we heard that the campgrounds are VERY VERY strict with thier quiet hours. They said at 10 pm. they don't even want you talking by the fire. We are trying to find a cabin that will allow us to throw some tents in the yard.
Right now it sounds like we only need to accomidate 9 people. There has not been a lot of people that have committed to that weekend. We will have the information by this weekend!
We did get our first tour of the dunes this weekend. It was pretty cool! little bit of drizzle floating around,

lots of wind

and some serious peaks on the dunes!

I can definitely see how this can be addicting!
Mark, Silver lake resort and campground's quiet time starts at 1100pm, and we have stayed up well past that talking around the Campfire. Yes, they will shut you down if you talk to loud, but they have been very good to deal with.
We stayed at Silver Hills once, and seems to me that they had a primitave site area away from the standard water/electric sites that might be good for hanging out at the campfire without bothering other campers. http://www.silverhillscampresort.com/index.html
We have a cabin on upper Silver lake reserved for thursday night through sunday night. there is room for tents in the yard. We will be able to hang out as long as we want without any worries at all. My guess is after a long day hanging out on the dunes we are all going to crash fairly early anyway but you never know!
Gravedigger is bringing his waverunners to play around on the lake. that will be nice being able to dock them right there at the cabin!
We need to know who is committed to going and who we should expect to be staying with us here. there are 4 bedrooms with a walk out basement in this house. Either way we look at it, this will be cheaper than staying at the local camp sites and definitely cheaper than getting hotel rooms.
If you guys could let us know for sure who is in that would be Very helpful!
Do you have all the rooms taken? we might be interested let me know. this would be a lot better than camping.

T.S.U.Filmz said:
Do you have all the rooms taken? we might be interested let me know. this would be a lot better than camping.

Jeff, you guys are in! I sent you a pm.!
Does anyone else know if they are coming yet?
We have a little more info. on the cabin. It sleeps 12 comfortably, so we have plenty of room for some more people to stay if they want. You will not be obligated to pay for the entire weekend if you can only make 1 or 2 nights. We will set the rates up on a per night basis, so do not let the cost scare you away!
Gravedigger is making up some flag holders for vehicles, He has some spare stock aluminum laying around and if you need something made up, give him a call or shoot him a pm. with your vehicle information. The first one we made took us about 10 minutes and the second one he made took about 4 minutes. he has it dialed in now! lol.... You can buuy a flag up there at just about any store, for anywhere from $20 - $28 depends if you want to shop around or if you want a break down version.
Also, If someone is going up for the day and not spending the night, We would like to invite you back to the cabin to have dinner with the TY gang before your journey home. This get together weekend is meant as a way for site members to meet and hang out during the summertime instead of winter time only. We have never met a bad person yet and have several Great memories from all of our TY rides. It would be great to see more site members involved!
We will have a Big Blue Yamaha flag behind our Yukon on the dunes so if you see us be sure to stop and say Hi!
I will see you guys there. Just look for the Jeep in the pics above. Look forward to meeting more of you.
