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Stiff Rear Shocks/Shock Valving Specs

Trail riding and they were in decent shape but several sections with stutters and rough trail. Would not call it plush, but definitely way better. Still had the bib bump compliance when you hammer through it. Stutters were not bad-going to back of center shock a bit as I could still feel bumps through the feet. No where close to bottoming even with springs on soft. The shock shop had to take three shots at re-valving as the rebound is way slow and compression is stiff. I like that you could be at trails speeds and hit the throttle and feel the front end pull up and it was easier to get some air out of it. Had similar experience as you prior-ride was not bad, just very stiff and the sled felt like it lacked a personality as it stayed so flat. I would be curious to ride a LXR version Cat as they have a softer shock. Looks like the shock for that model is $168 so it would be interesting if anyone has tried that sled out for ride?

Your rebound was too slow? Mine is too fast! Compression seems slow and rebound throws me off the seat when I'm sitting. The more info I'm hearing the more I'm thinking that even identical models are setup differently as far as shock valving.
Studroes144 said:
Your rebound was too slow? Mine is too fast! Compression seems slow and rebound throws me off the seat when I'm sitting. The more info I'm hearing the more I'm thinking that even identical models are setup differently as far as shock valving.

my guess is that you are not experiecing too fast of rebound, you are experiecing your rear suspension is just packing and not absorbing the bumps so you are just bouncing off them. the rebound is too slow to spring back and absorb the next bump.

if you put all your weight on the back of the bumper and push down, how fast does it come up? my ltx se on full soft setting on the springs takes long enought to pop back up to each a grilled cheese sandwich. that is not too fast of rebound in my opinion.
If I push the back of my sled down so that the transfer arms hit and then let go it is fully rebounded in less than a second. I think a lot of it has to do with the stiff springs but if valving was better and it compressed faster and rebounded slower It would help alot
Studroes144 said:
If I push the back of my sled down so that the transfer arms hit and then let go it is fully rebounded in less than a second. I think a lot of it has to do with the stiff springs but if valving was better and it compressed faster and rebounded slower It would help alot

hmmmm, that is just weird. mine would finally act that way after i took the shock out and just had the springs only. dunno......
fxnytroxtx said:
Ok just got my rear shock back, had it revalved and so far I'm liking the results! The sled is much smoother now and transfers better I can now press the rear with my weight as before it almost didn't move (I'll try cannodales advise on running the track looser for better transfer). It turns out that the front shock is kinda soft and the rear was stiff. The guy softened the rear about 30% according to the dyno sheet. He just did a set of rtx shocks before mine and the stacks are exactly the same as the ltx, the only difference was that the rear ltx shock was about 1" longer.

Alex, Glad to hear you have some improvement with your re-valving. I got word back from the guy with with the RTX and he had favorable results also from the changes I made. He made one comment that the spring tension now felt slightly soft on the lightest setting due to some bottoming out from time to time and felt a little to stiff on the medium setting. I suggested that he put torsion spring tension one side on the lightest and the other side on medium. haven't head back from he yet on that setup. He is about a 245lb rider. In the front I also pulled his limiter strap up to the 3rd hole and left the center spring tension at stock. Stop by if you want to make any more adjustments to your valving.
Studroes144 said:
If I push the back of my sled down so that the transfer arms hit and then let go it is fully rebounded in less than a second. I think a lot of it has to do with the stiff springs but if valving was better and it compressed faster and rebounded slower It would help alot
If your rear suspension rebounds in less than a second from a near full compression your shock needs to get serviced or replaced!
My rebound was slower than the second coming. Had a Apex and Nytro with us and compared to them it was way slow. I think what you are seeing is that it is so stiff it does not allow it to compress so it feels like it is rebounding fast. Take out that rear shock and compress it (you need two men and a horse to compress it) and watch the rebound. I bet it take 5 seconds to come all the way out.
Ikenheimer said:
My rebound was slower than the second coming. Had a Apex and Nytro with us and compared to them it was way slow. I think what you are seeing is that it is so stiff it does not allow it to compress so it feels like it is rebounding fast. Take out that rear shock and compress it (you need two men and a horse to compress it) and watch the rebound. I bet it take 5 seconds to come all the way out.

yep, your right. we did the same thing, think my buddy smoked a cigerette in the time it took for it to fully extend.
softer springs would only make it rebound slower still. im going with a revalve first and see what that does. will be a couple weeks before i get it back though.
Seems as tho everyone is having opposite results I have. My rebound is about 1 second. Push the grab bar down until the rear transfer arm hits and let it go and it fully rebounds in 1 second. It doesn't at as it the shock it blown because it is controlled and it doesn't just spring but it is way too fast.
I can test and revalve your shock with one day turn when I receive it. I also provide a dyno sheet with the original received baseline results and final calibration. PM if your interested.
