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stiffness of fx nytro is killing me.


Dec 12, 2007
I just went out for another ride the other night with my fx nytro rtx shocks all revalved including the floats. Put in a new rear coupler block to prevent wheelies and bottoming out. even with the floats set at 55 lbs, and the rear set as soft as possible, this sled is killing me on the stutter bumps. Bottom line is that I cant ride as fast on trail as I can with my 2003 rev. even with the sled bottoming out often, it is still too stiff.

How much of the harshness is due to the front shocks? should I change the shocks to the standard fx nytro fronts? Is this sled ever going to ride normal? Or do I need to sell it and buy a newer Rev.

Love the power of the Nytro rtx but cant take the ride.

If you hadn't already re-valved the shocks, then you could have swapped shocks with someone who purchased a standard Nytro. Guaranteed there are standard owners who are looking for more big bump compliance.

If you had the shocks revalved to standard specs, then the ride should be similar. Fox Floats are big bump shocks and aren't really that trail friendly unless you add the remote reservoir.

If you are bottoming the sled regularly, then I can't see it being too stiff.

I think you'll have to provide more information on your current set up. What are your springs set at in the rear. How much preload do you have on the center shock?

The Nytro is a big bump sled so I'm not surprised that you don't find it as cushy as a REV trail sled. However, you should have much less problem softening the sled than someone looking to stiffen their ride.
Thanks, I did a post a while back asking to trade for standard front shocks. no response.

The front never bottoms out, only the rear. and not all the time. a couple times an hour.

current set up is
torsion springs set on high.
center spring showing one thread.
center shock on 2nd to softest setting in compression
rear shock on 2nd to softest setting in compression
rebound on about 3rd or 4th to slowest rebound. (also tried in the center position)
Limiter straps back on standard settings.

The only way I can ride this thing fast, is to constantly stand. My legs are so sore I can barely walk up stairs.
Try softening up the springs going stiffer with compression. Did you set the sag? That will make a difference too. The suspenion is stiff but thats why the RTX and standard were offered. My suspension begs to take a beating thats when it works the best. The Nytro is also a standup sled for sure. If you want a more comfortable ride you should try a XP it is good for both sitting and standing but not as aggressive as the Nytro. Another comprimise is that new Doo 4 stroke that will have a forgiving XP chasis and you can move your feet forward or back accordingly. I am more than happy with my Nytro everything about it. Thanks Yamaha for building a true aggressive sled for aggressive riders
I don't think this sled is built for stutter bumps. I ride with my brother who has a Blade Striker w/M10 suspension. He flies through the stutter bumps while I'm gettin a whoopin!! When we get to the big bumps, he's the one getting all beat up & I'm just having a ball!!

srxtim, how many miles on your sled?? I'm at 750 and it seems to be getting softer the more I beat it.
i would really like to try a weaker center spring in the skid....I dont think its the damping, as its weak already. I think it needs a weaker center spring but can't find one and hygear and others I tried are working on finding something. Its an odd spring, short compared whats available.

I also think it will help with steering and handling, less tippy and pitchy.

I think the center spring being so strong also contributes to the wheelie monster effect as the seld pivots and rolls back and fo on the center. IMO

Anyway, just my thoughts and ramblings. I will try this next year if I can find a spring......dual rate would be nice.

cheers, Brian
Yea it blows my mind how good my RTX stock is in the big bumps the faster i go the better.

srxtim26076 said:
How do you set the proper sag?

will pulling the limiter straps help?
You have to measure from the coupling block to the rear shock bracket(the closest part to the coupler) sitting on the sled with your gear on it should be between 16-22mm adjust with the compression screw and torsion spring. If I could figure out how to post a pic on here id do it.
gomerfly, I think you may be right. it seems to be better with the spring at the loosest setting. It kind of seems to teeter taughter about the center, especially when the spring is tight.

When I ride my rev, the front doesnt teeter taughter like my nytro. i was hoping that other shocks on the front may help but i am not sure.
you got the wrong sled. you need a standard nytro. every body thinks their a snow crosser until they ride a snow cross sled!
While I wouldn't put it quite that way, I agree with rattler. It simply isn't a sled for everyone, or even a bump sled for everyone. Anyone of my friends who is thinking about a nytro, I tell them to ride mine for a while before making the choice. Not everyone will get this sled set up for them.
I have the problem of my sled being alittle to soft in the biggest bumps, tried going to almost stiffest setting on the centerspring and damned the sled isnt eaven rideable, ... Bounces all over the place but it doesnt bottom out at all... I will revalve my shocks alittle stiffer on the high speed dampening and alittle softer on the lowspeed and I sould like to get a stiffer centerspring so that I can run it on a softer setting but still have alittle more bottoming resistance...
