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Studding Suggestions

RX-1 Liter

Apr 14, 2003
Chautauqua County, NY
2017 RMK 155"
Chautauqua County, NY
I've decided to stud my 1-ton this season and I would like some suggestions on which brand to go with. I plan on going 144 down the middle and I am running a 1.25 Camo 9818. Woody's? Roetins? Round or square backers? Thanks.

Rotein Hornets are excellent studs. For many years I ran Woodys Gold Diggers *traction masters* and always had good luck. I ran the Hornets per jtssrx's recommendations and was very very pleased with there wear and performance. The profile of the Hornets are more agressive than the Gold Diggers and they are nickel plated. I would recommend either stud.

As for backers, Stud boy make a very interesting plate that gives you the best of both worlds. Its not round and its not square, its somewhere inbetween. Ill post a link for you to check them out.


I have had good luck with plain old square alum woodys backers and have not had any pull throughs. Last year I ran round Fast Trac machined alum backers and had 3 pull throughs. They look nicer on a track especially if you dont take the time to line up all the square backers, but I still think the extra strength you get with square backers, make them the best choice. I plan on running the stud boy backers you see at the link I posted.

Also, I can get you studs and backers if interested. Best of luck...BBY

If your choices are between the 2 the roetins are by far the better ones.I would recommend square backers unless you want to pay the extra for the powerpoints.which isnt really needed.round backers are really bad unless you go with plastic.We offer many studding options for all types of budgets feel free to e-mail or call us or visit our site for pictures and more info.thanks rich

I see you never change.I do pay tom to advertise and you shouldnt be adding your 2 cents if you dont have your facts straight.So please keep your remarks to yourself.rich
To say the Hornets are by far the better stud is a bit of a reach. The gold diggers are excellent studs and have prooven there build quality time and time again. The main advantage the hornets have is the profile allows them to penetrate better than the Gold Diggers. Other than that, durabiltiy and quality are both second to none...BBY
I dont think that is a reach at all.woodys are a good stud but everyone thinks they are the best thing out there because their name is all over the place.i've seen,replaced,installed more bent woodys then any other brand.There are some really crappy studs out there and i choose not to sell those ...but their are some good ones also that hold up great .It comes down to price and personal choice and type of riding.if i were to use a woodys the golddigger series would be the stud of choice. rich
Rich, you say you don't sell crappy studs. What about carbides? Those bottom line you sell are JUNK.
Rich, I hear ya. Keep this in mind, Woodys has dominated the stud market for a very long time, thus you should see more bent, installed more, and replaced more just based on that fact. My experience with the Gold Diggers have been great. 4000 Miles on 4 different sleds all of which the studs were in suprisingly decent shape. I think alot of times you will see more damage to studs due to improper installation and by tracks being under-studded. I agree with you that the Hornets are the premier stud on the Market and thats why they are on my personal sleds. That said, woodys is a quality product...BBY
I have really good luck with them.i've put over 5000 miles on my set on my viper and they are still good.i dont know what kind of problems you have had with them but if you call them they will take care of you if there is a defect.I sell all the brands i've just found the bottom line to hold up the best.its the customer's choice on the brand that they decide on. all carbides will wear out premature if people abuse them such as riding roads,railroad crossing ,dirty snow etc.rich
Matt i agree also on installing the studs proper.Its a battle you'll never win.somebody has had great luck with one stud and then the next guy has crap luck.and then they say those studs are junk but they dont factor in things they have done etc. or it might be a bad batch or whatever.If someone has good luck with a brand and your happy with the price stick with them.its kinda like buying tools made in china some are good and others you miswell throw them in the garbage.

mark.if you have a problem with me its all for the wrong reasons but if you choose not to like me thats your decision.i dont know what you think is going to happen this winter but almost sounds like you cant wait.if you really miss me come down to haydays and party with us.your welcome to come back to ty as long as you follow the rules.let me know we can always use your info.rich
well rich now you are a stand up guy 8)
that is all i wanted you to say
i know we had probs but dam you took it the wrong way of doing things
maby we did over react but anyways ok if your man enoff to trun a new page so am i ..

so ok i will let things go my self also .. since you have now
so let me know what we do from here
ok thnx marc
