SW versus 9000 or Thunder CAT


Yamadoo is a snowmobile ' aholic'.
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Duluth, MN -North shores Lake Superior
15 Viper STX DX red/white- GPS and KING AIR suspension 4kmiles
13 Apex XTX 45 anniversary RED/WHITE/BLACK 3K miles
10 Vector LTX Blue 9kmiles
11 Venture GT 4k miles
86 SnoScoot(2) for grand kids
I was talking to my Yamaha dealer about some summer/ lake stuff I bought and asked him the SW v. Thunder Cat ?

Interesting answer given that he has sold both for >20 years and personally has ridden Cat since I have known him.
I was sure he would say T-Cat. But he said, "I would stick with Yamaha and the YES plan if I were you. Yamaha just helps me so much more to care for my customers. They call back, answer ?'s and help him with customer needs so much more than Cat has ." I though that was an interesting answer.

Yamadoo - still going to stick with the Viper and Vectors/Venture for the family for a while.
I was talking to my Yamaha dealer about some summer/ lake stuff I bought and asked him the SW v. Thunder Cat ?

Interesting answer given that he has sold both for >20 years and personally has ridden Cat since I have known him.
I was sure he would say T-Cat. But he said, "I would stick with Yamaha and the YES plan if I were you. Yamaha just helps me so much more to care for my customers. They call back, answer ?'s and help him with customer needs so much more than Cat has ." I though that was an interesting answer.

Yamadoo - still going to stick with the Viper and Vectors/Venture for the family for a while.
yo chad , i'm getting the ltx le ,to go with my 850 .
Welcome to TY Kenny!
who that ??ya need a sled to ride in maine .have many new doos for riding other places .i have a 15 fzs also and a new 16 gtx 300 ltd for summer .never would have started buying doos in 03 if yamaha came out with the 850 with red line skid then .i see your name here is doo with blue .all my doos are blue .google krms sleds .
