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Talk to me turbo boys

I modded the transfer system on my ltx Le and got one little ride and works awesome, can wait to out next year with it. Knee high ski lift.
I moved the shaft back and welded extentions on the lower link to hit the blocks still! It's a few posts back, but there are pics

I am very curious about track hook up and the roll that the blocks play. Is it only beneficial to relocate or remove the blocks if you want better hook up in a strait line or from a launch position? Will it help maintain control thru the twists and turns? As I accelerate thru a sweeper, forcing the track to begin to slide and carry that thru the turn I need my skis planted, maybe on the edge of inside lift. Engine break into a hair-pin, take an outside lane, transfer weight to carbides, pin it to the bar sled is pointed strait, accelerating hard out of the corner I need my skis on the snow even more so if it is an incline. This being said hook-up vs control, balanced application. Will I sacrifice any control with the modification of the blocks?
I realize that the need to transfer to the track is important for traction. I wounder if we should also consider gearing, clutch, studs and a host of other suspension settings. I guess it really depends on the type of sled your trying to create.
It's mostly rider preference I believe! I need good ski contact aswell ,being a pretty aggressive rider I use weight shifting front to back a lot to control ski pressure but also like to get a bit of wheely action over some stuff. The weight transfer balance hasn't change there's just more of it when you really need it. Skis could still come up just not as hi!
Oops wrong thread
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