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TAPP ramp wear?

Mike, these are the ones that kept popping up on a search of that part number and i tried reaching out to get the low down on them, but the Ebay seller does not respond to messages by choice. ( Keep reading)
This prompted my calls to both Leaders and Goodwin Performance.
Like i said before Leaders confirmed that part number, but couldn't confirm sizing while Goodwin was positive the smaller 0mm rollers of 10g were OEM Ski Doo parts and the larger rollers were Thunder.

So today i spoke in depth with Matt at MCB and he had purchased all the available +1mm rollers that are 12.5g directly from the manufacturer a couple years back for SkiDoo
Which measure 15.5mm diameter. These are indeed last number 427222947. He was not able to to give me the stock Ski Doo 0mm part number and regrettably did not have any +2 rollers in stock either.

Hopefully this offers a little clarity to the availability of options for the TAPP rollers.

One avenue i have yet to venture is Frett brothers also has TRA rollers which i will reach out to tomorrow. Forgive me as I'm away and service blows and I'm trying to spend time away with my family on vacation.
I have a set of the stock ski doo rollers coming from leaders. I will report when I get them.
