Test Pilots/guinea pig letter to Yamaha...

Yamadog said:
oh yeah forgot that happened 3 times

I put 1800 miles on my Viper RTX this year and here are the problems I had

- occasional hot/ cold start issue.... It always started after pulling key out, restarting computer, and turning key.

- I totally agree with the grips being too far apart from throttle. I have a 12 Nytro RTX, too, and my thumb never gets sore/ tired on that sled.

- rear suspension is pretty stiff... Need to soften that up a bit... It is to be expected though with RTX, but a little softer would be great

- I have a squeaky bushing coming from somewhere and I can't find it... Whenever I hit a big bump it squeaks and is very annoying. Dealer will find it.

- the sled needs a little more top end grunt... My 12 Nytro, which is bone stock, can take the viper on the open lake top end.

Other than the above, I had no other issues.

All in all, the sled is rock solid and loved every mile I rode this year. For a first year model, I am a fan and I was very nervous/skeptical about buying this sled as I have only owned "true" yamaha sleds since 2003.
Antifreeze leaks
uncomfortable seat
stiff ride very uncomfortable in the rear suspension
bars are too fat
front end bushings rusting and squeeking
hot start issue
smoking rivets in the tunnel already
I feel the sled has poor high speed handling
I put just shy of 1600 on my XTX this season and once I adjusted it to my riding style I loved every mile. But with that being said a top end speed of 82mph is absolutely ridiculous. I can live with the stutter starts but this sled is a dog. If wasn't so comfortable to ride it would be headed down the road.
I'm amazed that people are still only seeing 80 some mph and not trying to find the issue. The xtx is geared lower..but it's still faster than 80-85 mph. My viper was deadlocked at 85 mph right around the 500 mile mark. Extra wheels and new slides and it's a consistent 95-100mph machine every time I ride. This sled is not a monster speed machine but it is anything but a dog, no matter what model you have. Just needs a little assistance whether it be clutching or no rolling freely.
Oil separator, muffler. There are a lot these things on here! But agreed!

Yamaha needs to read and start taking action! Or like me (I think) will start jumping ship!
For them to fix all of these issues is going to take three years! Don't know if I can wait that long?
I for one have not had any so called issues other than my slide wearing terribly bad and rear shock blowing. Yes I have the hot start issue..but it starts every time no matter what, just takes 2 extra turns and it always fires right up. No fluid leaks, no codes, no roll over issue and I've had mine on it's side a couple times. I love my viper and after driving all the other new top sleds I wouldn't own any sled other than what I got right now. Most fun I've had on a sled in years!
Studroes144 said:
I for one have not had any so called issues other than my slide wearing terribly bad and rear shock blowing. Yes I have the hot start issue..but it starts every time no matter what, just takes 2 extra turns and it always fires right up. No fluid leaks, no codes, no roll over issue and I've had mine on it's side a couple times. I love my viper and after driving all the other new top sleds I wouldn't own any sled other than what I got right now. Most fun I've had on a sled in years!

You know bud, that's great if you are not having these problems. But most people are. So maybe your just lucky. But when some of us have had some more major issues and had them sitting at the shop for weeks during the short season. Not really wanting to hear that your not having any issues which you are.

Not being mean!! I'm happy that there are people out there with no to minimum issues with there Vipers I have around 4000 miles, and over three weeks in the shop. So I think it's about time Yamaha makes some major changes!!
YamahaTim said:
Studroes144 said:
I for one have not had any so called issues other than my slide wearing terribly bad and rear shock blowing. Yes I have the hot start issue..but it starts every time no matter what, just takes 2 extra turns and it always fires right up. No fluid leaks, no codes, no roll over issue and I've had mine on it's side a couple times. I love my viper and after driving all the other new top sleds I wouldn't own any sled other than what I got right now. Most fun I've had on a sled in years!

You know bud, that's great if you are not having these problems. But most people are. So maybe your just lucky. But when some of us have had some more major issues and had them sitting at the shop for weeks during the short season. Not really wanting to hear that your not having any issues which you are.

Not being mean!! I'm happy that there are people out there with no to minimum issues with there Vipers I have around 4000 miles, and over three weeks in the shop. So I think it's about time Yamaha makes some major changes!!

Well in that case I will keep my comments to myself.
Nytro40th said:
YamahaTim said:
Studroes144 said:
I for one have not had any so called issues other than my slide wearing terribly bad and rear shock blowing. Yes I have the hot start issue..but it starts every time no matter what, just takes 2 extra turns and it always fires right up. No fluid leaks, no codes, no roll over issue and I've had mine on it's side a couple times. I love my viper and after driving all the other new top sleds I wouldn't own any sled other than what I got right now. Most fun I've had on a sled in years!

You know bud, that's great if you are not having these problems. But most people are. So maybe your just lucky. But when some of us have had some more major issues and had them sitting at the shop for weeks during the short season. Not really wanting to hear that your not having any issues which you are.

Not being mean!! I'm happy that there are people out there with no to minimum issues with there Vipers I have around 4000 miles, and over three weeks in the shop. So I think it's about time Yamaha makes some major changes!!

Well in that case I will keep my comments to myself.

Lol...I'm not mad! I was just saying that there are people with some major issues and it sucks! I think it's great that some people are not!!
It's almost like that guy that hurt his knee at the beginning of the season and couldn't really ride. You wouldn't go on his thread and say, to bad for you case I have 4000 miles and I feel great and I'm going again tomorrow, would you?? That's all I'm saying. I'm not talking bad! Just thinking why rub salt in other peoples wounds!!
I haven't heard of any local guys with any viper issues. My dealer sold I believe 28 vipers and as of two weeks ago they have not had any of them back in for anything other than service. Not saying there isn't issues but the issues are not as common as what this forum makes them out to be. I do feel for the guys that have had issues because I've experienced it before but I have yet to experience any serious issues with any of my yamaha sleds. A riding buddy who has a viper had his turn over 4000 miles a week or two ago without a single issue. He did blow a belt at 3600 miles, it was the original belt and I bet 1500+ of those miles were drag racing. Again I'm sorry to anyone that has had issues but there are far more issueless vipers out there than ones that are causing problems. Maybe it would hurt for some people to check out how many doo and poo engines have grenaded this past year. Could be a lot worse things than what some guys are experiencing here.
Not rubbing salt in the sound on anyone on here..just posting the positive things I've experienced by owning the viper so that the up and comers atleast get so read the good news on these sleds. No hard feelings to anyone or any brand, for anyone that has owned a first year sled and never had an issue than that's awesome, for the ones that have had issues..well sadly enough, it kinda comes with the risk of buying a first year sled.
Studroes144 said:
I'm amazed that people are still only seeing 80 some mph and not trying to find the issue. The xtx is geared lower..but it's still faster than 80-85 mph. My viper was deadlocked at 85 mph right around the 500 mile mark. Extra wheels and new slides and it's a consistent 95-100mph machine every time I ride. This sled is not a monster speed machine but it is anything but a dog, no matter what model you have. Just needs a little assistance whether it be clutching or no rolling freely.

Who said I haven't tried finding the issue? I have added new bogey wheels, made sure there was no wear on the slides, adjusted teh suspension, etc. Without aftermarket upgrades I simply don't see this sled in the 90's let alone triple digits.
Do you think that some of the issues are dealer prep related? A good dealer would go through the whole sled and make sure that everything is up to snuff. Others might just slap the sled together and get it out the door and collect their money.
