Thunder Products (Big Venom Viper kit) with Heavy Hitters

Since the highest mountain in Sweden is about 6900 ft, I will be driving 90% of the time below 1700ft.
So ill try 3/4 Allen, 3/8 aluminium and 3/8 steel with thick washer.
How does that sound? I know its very personal how you like your setup but im trying to get a starting Point since we dont have any snow yet.
Thanks a lot NOS

Just tried the sled in some real snow and wow really Love it. Its finally the sled I wanted.

The only problem is that im hitting the rev limiter like crazy
When im gunning it in powder i hit the limit fast but on the trail it takes a while and if i pull slowly over say a lake, it goes fast to 8800 and then slowly climbs to 9100 and then brap brap brap limiter

Should i add weight at the top only or both top and middle?
Is it possible to change bolts in the weights with the weights still on the sled?
Got 96 out of it todqy on a long pull...rpms start at 8775 and go up to 8975

That's a little better. What were the snow conditions.

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Just tried the sled in some real snow and wow really Love it. Its finally the sled I wanted.

The only problem is that im hitting the rev limiter like crazy
When im gunning it in powder i hit the limit fast but on the trail it takes a while and if i pull slowly over say a lake, it goes fast to 8800 and then slowly climbs to 9100 and then brap brap brap limiter

Should i add weight at the top only or both top and middle?
Is it possible to change bolts in the weights with the weights still on the sled?

Take the 3/8 aluminum out of the middle and replace with 3/8 steel in the middle. That will make it pull even harder down low to mid and reduce final rpm a little. Report back.

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Ok, looking for a bit of remaining fine tuning adjustment to bring my RPM's down by 200 - 300 RPM. I currently have Ulmer's Header, Hindle Can, and Ulmer's airbox mod.

My current Heavy Hitter setup is the following:

1" Allen in Heel
3/8 Aluminum with 1 thin washer in Middle
7/16 Steel with 1 thick washer and 2 thin washers in Tip.

I'm very happy with the setup but need to get my RPM's down by 200 - 300 as I'm hitting the Rev Limiter. Problem is, I can't seem to find out what weight combination I can use in the Tip to bring the RPM's down a bit. Currently I have 6.4 grams in the Tip. Yesterday I tried 7 grams but it was a bit too much. 6.6 grams in the Tip would probably be perfect, but I can't find a combination with the supplied weights that get me to 6.6 grams. If a Brass Bolt 1/2" Head would be an option for the HH, I could get to the 6.6 grams, but I don't think they are offered. If not, would you recommend maybe adding a bit more weight to the middle to get some of the RPM's down?

I'm getting close, just need to figure out if adding weight to the middle would be the ticket or not. Thanks!
Ok, looking for a bit of remaining fine tuning adjustment to bring my RPM's down by 200 - 300 RPM. I currently have Ulmer's Header, Hindle Can, and Ulmer's airbox mod.

My current Heavy Hitter setup is the following:

1" Allen in Heel
3/8 Aluminum with 1 thin washer in Middle
7/16 Steel with 1 thick washer and 2 thin washers in Tip.

I'm very happy with the setup but need to get my RPM's down by 200 - 300 as I'm hitting the Rev Limiter. Problem is, I can't seem to find out what weight combination I can use in the Tip to bring the RPM's down a bit. Currently I have 6.4 grams in the Tip. Yesterday I tried 7 grams but it was a bit too much. 6.6 grams in the Tip would probably be perfect, but I can't find a combination with the supplied weights that get me to 6.6 grams. If a Brass Bolt 1/2" Head would be an option for the HH, I could get to the 6.6 grams, but I don't think they are offered. If not, would you recommend maybe adding a bit more weight to the middle to get some of the RPM's down?

I'm getting close, just need to figure out if adding weight to the middle would be the ticket or not. Thanks!
Here's a little inside info, the gate's carbon fiber belt will bring your rpms down by 200- 300, and keep you off the limiter for the most part, already been through it, trust me.
Ok, looking for a bit of remaining fine tuning adjustment to bring my RPM's down by 200 - 300 RPM. I currently have Ulmer's Header, Hindle Can, and Ulmer's airbox mod.

My current Heavy Hitter setup is the following:

1" Allen in Heel
3/8 Aluminum with 1 thin washer in Middle
7/16 Steel with 1 thick washer and 2 thin washers in Tip.

I'm very happy with the setup but need to get my RPM's down by 200 - 300 as I'm hitting the Rev Limiter. Problem is, I can't seem to find out what weight combination I can use in the Tip to bring the RPM's down a bit. Currently I have 6.4 grams in the Tip. Yesterday I tried 7 grams but it was a bit too much. 6.6 grams in the Tip would probably be perfect, but I can't find a combination with the supplied weights that get me to 6.6 grams. If a Brass Bolt 1/2" Head would be an option for the HH, I could get to the 6.6 grams, but I don't think they are offered. If not, would you recommend maybe adding a bit more weight to the middle to get some of the RPM's down?

I'm getting close, just need to figure out if adding weight to the middle would be the ticket or not. Thanks!

We need to add to your middle so that you have some room for adjustment in the tip. Put 3/8 steel with 1 thin washer in mid. Also what spring are you running.

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Here's a little inside info, the gate's carbon fiber belt will bring your rpms down by 200- 300, and keep you off the limiter for the most part, already been through it, trust me.

Forgot to mention I have the Gates Carbon Fiber belt on already.
Add what I said earlier in the middle. Steel with thin washer.

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Should I then remove some weight from the Tip if I add the Middle with 3/8" Steel with Thin Washer or just leave it alone? That's a 1.2 gram difference between the 3/8" Steel w/thin washer vs. 3/8" Aluminum w/thin washer.
