Thunder Products (Big Venom Viper kit) with Heavy Hitters

I'm betting the bushing is fine and it's belt dust build up! My apex had 17000km with original bushing ,just regular cleaning and they were hard km.
I'm betting the bushing is fine and it's belt dust build up! My apex had 17000km with original bushing ,just regular cleaning and they were hard km.
I just installed a brand new belt for that trip 8JP and the clutches do look pretty dirty so maybe that's the problem...just really dirty.
I just installed a brand new belt for that trip 8JP and the clutches do look pretty dirty so maybe that's the problem...just really dirty.[/QUOTE
I ran the 8dn before for 2000km and nothing for belt dust.
I put about 4500kms on my original 8JP and never had any problems. Blew clutches out half way through season and kept problems until new belt or so it seems..
I tried blowing them out but it didn't seem to do anything. Major scrubbing with degreaser and then water and dawn. Then grease and wax remover on the faces.
Didn't really think the thread was off track, but ok! Lol
What is everybody's thoughts on the clutch kit having an effect on the bushing? I honestly don't think it will, especially when I've only used the kit for less than 1000km...I'm under the impression it was just a faulty product from factory. I know when you start changing things (some) it might have an effect on something else...but I can't really see the kit being the culprit here...
Can anyone tell me the specs for the midnight blue secondary spring that i have ? 38-100lb comp, 50lb/in. twist? Couldnt find it. Would be nice to know so I could compare it with others springs and stock spring
Does the max rmp ever reset.?..mine read 0 when I hold the button. Messing with the kit before I put it away so I remember where I'm at for next season

It is at the dealer for an oil change and asked them to look at it. The clock was not working either just reading 1200...they say nothing is wrong with the cluster. I have a year left of YES so this should all be covered

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I noticed that the clock goes back to 12:00 every time you disconnect the gauge to remove the hood. Also if the battery is disconnected or if it dies. Could that be part of your problem?
Have a question on starting point. Going to add an ulmer can and evo stage 2.5 flash, does anyone have a good starting point for the heavy hitters? Thanks 2014 viper ltx se
Have a question on starting point. Going to add an ulmer can and evo stage 2.5 flash, does anyone have a good starting point for the heavy hitters? Thanks 2014 viper ltx se
PM Shagman or NosPro they will hook you up.
