tuners need to go

Waiting for a new Viper mounting kit for my Curves so I can get these Tuners off this sled. I ran the Kimpex Arrows on my Nytro which basically are the same as the Tuners and hated them so I didn't expect anything different here.
Curves make the Viper rail around the corners. Great ski.
Float great in deep snow too.
There is some dartyness at times but not too bad.
if the new pilot ts with adjustable carbide heights come available for my viper I would consider them!!
Curves make the Viper rail around the corners. Great ski.
Float great in deep snow too. There is some dartyness at times but not too bad.

Switch to the Slim Jim Dooly wear bars......makes a HUGE difference........I tried the Curves with the std. 4" shapers and it was O.K........at the recommendation of MrSled I went with the Slim Jim's as of last Friday and Oh MY!!! You won't believe they are the same skis PLUS they still handle deeper snow well too.......

Edit: I left out........I threw the original stock skis in the corner of the garage after 2 rides and added Slydog 7" Powderhounds.......for my riding the Curves react better..........
Unfortunately my curves are blue on the Vector and my VIPER is RED so either I pony up the CASH or live with the push on loose snow. I love the tuners on a set up groomed trail. WAY LESS darting on the trail, but they do push when loose snow even with 7.5 Shapers on the inside.

Hey will trade BLUE for BLACK curves- any takers?
It's the chassis. Tuners worked great on the Deltabox because they helped eliminate inside ski lift by pushing a little bit.

The Cat chassis isn't tippy and it pushes through the corners more than the deltabox ever did. Mounting a ski with very little bite on this chassis was a poor idea on Yamaha's part. My boss has a Cat ZR 6000 and complains about pushing as well. We mounted some Pilots on it and he likes it much more.
What width are the tuners on 2016 viper? I see you can get them in 135 mm = 5.5 in and 150 mm = 6in
I like the c&a pros have had them on every sled since my 03 blade (stock on that sled) they work great in all conditons and are very constant nothing fancy and no suprises they just work. I run shaper bars. very little dart and no push.
I put c&a pros trx on my viper, awesome now! It actually will have some inside ski lift from time to time. With the tuners they just pushed through the corners.
Slydog skis guide our sleds through the deep. We are a repeat buyer of the skies for a reason, they work very very well..
What Sly Dogs are you using? I have a 2015 Ltx-se with no studs. My buddy has the trail skis that are 6" wide. I was thinking of getting the powder pros that are 7" wide. I like to ride the trails but I still want to boon dock at times. Is this a good option? How big of carbide? I run two sets of 6" stud boy shapers now my tuners and they ride like they are on rails.

What Sly Dogs are you using? I have a 2015 Ltx-se with no studs. My buddy has the trail skis that are 6" wide. I was thinking of getting the powder pros that are 7" wide. I like to ride the trails but I still want to boon dock at times. Is this a good option? How big of carbide? I run two sets of 6" stud boy shapers now my tuners and they ride like they are on rails.


8inch. But we mostly boondock
Picked up a new set of Curves with loops and two sets of carbides for $275 on ebay (free shipping and no tax). Hard to beat that.
Had 3 vipers out one day all with different skis,all LTX DX ,one stock with 6in ,in and out,one C&A pro XT 8 inch shapers and one Curves XS with 6 inch shapers,and we all agreed the Curves were the best of that bunch,most precise handling with the lightest steering effort ,they just rail around turns at all speeds,I just love um,the guy with the C&As went right out and ordered the Curves .the are a good chocie for the viper.IMO
Put on a set of curves. Rode yesterday in Temps in the mid to high 50s. Obviously the snow was soft and loose. The curves worked great. I could ride as hard into the corners as I could on hard pack. I'm sure the other brands mentioned work great too. I'm very happy.

Now I just need a bit more transfer. I read a lot of post with people fighting to keep the skis on the ground. Mine is just the opposite. I can't get them to lift when I need to.
