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Turbo Nytro fuel tuning


Jan 27, 2008
Cold Lake, AB, Canada
Here's my situation:

2008 Nytro MTX with NW turbo kit. I'm pretty sure it's stock fuel pump and injectors. Running @12lbs for now. Running meth inject.

I have been playing with my Pure Logic controller for a few days now and can't get my fuel figured out.

The sled runs very lean at idle. My AEM wideband is reading above 18 A/F. I do have an exhaust leak upstream and the A/F is good as soon as I blip the throttle. Good idle quality too so I don't think I'm running this lean here.

My main problem is WOT. I am running rich throughout cruise/acceleration modes but when I go WOT my A/F hits 15.5-16. And yes I have held it steady for 3 seconds to make sure the guage is stabilized.

In conclusion I have my Pure Logic red mode set at maximum fuel for WOT and I still run lean here. My Green/Blue mode(Turbo Boost) is also maxed out. My idle also seems lean but I'm not entirely sure. The A/F is rich for cruising and acceleration.

Can the stock fuel system supply me @ 12lbs fuel or what?

Thanks, and sorry for the long post. :o|

Stock fuel pump at sea level is only good for about 6 psi.
slymax said:
How's your Meth workin' ? Hydraulic your motor yet ? Lot's of grief with mine so far.

No, the meth has worked like a charm. I have even run max inject rates and all the sled did was stutter a bit when pulling the throttle. I turned it down a bit and she is perfect.

What happened to yours? Doesn't sound good.
the best way to see if the meth is working ok is to used some compress air to the variable controller and your boost gauge at the same time.Turn up and down the compress air has if the boost is coming on at the # of psi you wan t.What ever boost # you want don t go any higher for max boost from the pump.
Every time I have tried to start my sled there has been a hydraulic lock. When I get it started there is water/meth mix coming from exhaust. first ride it was really bad (yes it's blue) I had tested with air pressure to the sensor. The motor runs real strong, only saw max 12psi boost, but the deto sensor was going off like crazy. Motor started overheating and somehow blew out some oil. I have 15% leakage on cyl 2 but coolant sytem holds 20lbs pressure. I am going to pull the head for a look see. Confused at this point.
The more I think about it I am thinking that the meth leaking into the motor has probably bent the valves (15% leak) and the cyl pressures are too high and forcing air past the head gasket under boost, so it runs real good but overheats intermittently because of air pockets beeing injected into the coolant. Will get the head off and confirm. Will probably check brgs and rings as well as I am still puzzled over the oil loss (no leaks)
Sounds like your meth nozzles are syphoning / are lower than the tank...
No, I got it exactly like the instructions say. I have a vented tank where the radiator used to be, I have the pump down in the nose and I have the 3 nozzles above the pump in the intercooler. It is a perfect fit and when we apply pressure with a hand pump it works. It works on the sled too, the light glows and you can hear the pump run. The problem is it appears to be constantly leaking fluid into the motor when not running causing a hydraulic lock (I would concur that it is siphoning but I was told it would not do that) and at 12lbs of boost my knock sensor is lit up like a Christmas tree so I would say it isn't controlling detonation at this point. Very disappointed right now, lot's of wasted time/money. Just hoping the damage isn't too bad. :o|
Nice sleds you built Steve.

Well I could trade you my apex and save you that headache :) Sold my meth kit jus to avoid the potential headache for this year. You guys get it figured out and I'll reap the rewards. Rhino's are working great thanks again. Let me know if you find a well looked after used nytro, not to worried about mileage as most of it will be changed.

Wes Ganson
Thanks, Wes. I don't know if the efforts are going to be worth it. In all the sleds we have built, this is the first time we have had this unreliability and I don't think it's what we are looking for. The other sled worked flawless, so we took turns riding that one, LOL. Not good for business, imo. Will let you know if I get any used Nytro's, don't have anything other than new right now.
slymax said:
No, I got it exactly like the instructions say. I have a vented tank where the radiator used to be, I have the pump down in the nose and I have the 3 nozzles above the pump in the intercooler. :o|

Umm... Your reservoir / tank is higher than the nozzles, I recall that fluid seeks it's own level, so this sounds like it's flowing past the pump. I remember reading in the directions on a snow performance kit where it mentioned something about checkvalves if the tank is higher than the nozzles?
