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TY Manitoba Ride 2013 is a go thanks to wpgwarrior.

It has usually been held on the 3rd week of Feb. Not saying that is the date I am suggesting just merely giving you some FYI.

ok then

lets do this .i dont have a calender in front of me right now , but the third week in febuary it is ...i will start adding details as stuff is nailed down . i am going to start by booking a block at the glen howard in ldb. and trying to decide what loops ?? anybody please chime in miles and hours to do any good loops ...
sleddog/revster/bounty (anybody i missed? ) do we plan the rides during daylight hours ? nothing left to do but everything right? oh man.....let it snow!!!
glenn howard in lac du bonnet

8 rooms blocked off for feb 19/2012 , under andy mittelstadt , totally yamaha , . there was a language barrier thing going on with the front desk sooooo.. :flag: we can ride right out of the lot and the rooms have a view of the parking lot, they say there has never been any theft problems.these rooms will be held until jan 19/2012.there was no group rate offered so fill your boots,whatever accomodations work for you. my brothers and several friends have cottages on bird river and depending on numbers(interest?) , maybe we could host a hot dog lunch ?? :rocks:

sorry , bad start , the dates are friday feb. 15, saturday feb.16 and sunday feb.17 . no calender?? :die that is the long weekend right :drink: :flag: ??
Sounds good to me just set the dates and thats it bud! The long weekend in Feb is a good time to do this.
jump gun?

my first ride...is it time for a change of venue ??? ldb is sort of home turf but if it is been there done that , maybe spruce woods , carberry area ??? glenborro hotel (cheap , good food , nice people)...trails can be real nice with some good fields to play in along the way ?? input??
Re: jump gun?

wpgwarrior said:
my first ride...is it time for a change of venue ??? ldb is sort of home turf but if it is been there done that , maybe spruce woods , carberry area ??? glenborro hotel (cheap , good food , nice people)...trails can be real nice with some good fields to play in along the way ?? input??

Sounds good......I'll give u a call tonight or tuesday.
Well it looks like I'm out if it's on those dates as I have to work that week. The week before or after would work, just not that week.
That is the same weekend as our local snowmobile poker run but if I can get the time off they will do just fine without my help this year.

no rush bounty....shoot straight ...i hope we will talk more after hunting . this snow is making it hard for me to concentrate on hunting but it should make seeing them a lot easier ...i heard 6 inches of snow south brandon , waiting to see how much turtle mountains got ?? :Rockon: :-o
Re: whoops

wpgwarrior said:
sorry , bad start , the dates are friday feb. 15, saturday feb.16 and sunday feb.17 . no calender?? :die that is the long weekend right :drink: :flag: ??

Thanks organizing the ride wpgwarrior ;)!

I should be good for at least one day of riding that weekend. There are 2 other TY guys in our group so I'll see if either of them are going to join me.

I'm good with any of the areas you mentioned if you decide to change it.
