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TY Rides 06s today in Minocqua

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First off, be a man and post under your real handle....GUTLESS!!

Secondly, nobody has been "banned" at least as far as I am aware of. Before you go into another diatribe, check your facts. MrSled merely asked that the rhetoric be toned down some.

I never banned you...whats your problem dude??...email me at webmaster at totallyamaha.com, I had a server problem late last night and had to reset a few people.....damn you have a lot of nerve. Based on all the grief you have been giving me....I would rather you not be part of this site, but I would not ban you...ask anyone here, I have been doing this a long time and deal with worse users then you.
Would you all stop whining about this?

I think it is great, in fact it is unprecedented for a snowmobile manufacturer to invite a group of guys to evaluate their new sleds when they are not affiliated with a publication nor have a financial interest invested in the outcome. In the past we had to rely on SnowTech or other publications to get informed on how the sleds ride, handle, and perform. Then spring order and hope everything that was written about them was true.

So five of our fellow members took time out of their busy schedules to ride the new sleds and report their results back to us. So now you have first experience from people you know on how the 06 sleds will perform. It is just one source of information that you should use when evaluating the new sleds and should not be considered the holy grail.

I was impressed with the effort these guys put into evaluating the new sled line up for us and the amount of quality information provided. I give them an A++ for their effort. I do wish their grading scale on the evaluation components was a bit more granular, i.e. most everything received an A. But some of those components are really a personal preference thing so each person will have to evaluate for themselves.
by the way I fixed your account and removed the old name...it would have been easier for you to email me...sorry for the server glitch. If you have any more problem please contact me before you go and tell everyone I banned you.... :(

I would also like to apologize to all the users. This thread really went off the deep end. I just wanted to express how sincere I was about the sleds and the hard work that goes into running Totallyamaha. I was hurt and retaliated against the users that maybe did not have such harsh intentions. I honor and respect others opinions and want to hear everyones views. I just didn't like being accused of something I didn't do. Maybe I am letting this get to me to much but some users just don't know when to back off.

I will say that if any user wants to continue to be a problem I will ban them ....but it will usually be at the request of many people.
Im sorry but this is absolute BS the way this post has turned out. Nice job.

You want to know how good the 06s are. I have over $20000 in my 03 RX1 turbo sled, and guess what, its for sale because the 06s are that good. Everyone who rode the 06s couldnt wait to get back on them when they were riding the 05s.

I came up with what I consider the best description I could about the 06s. If the REV and RX-1 had an offspring, the new Apex/Attack series sleds would be it...BBY
All i can say is i wish polaris had a demo ride for some of us last year,i would still be on my 03 rx1 and yes still trading up for an 06 apex now at least my old 03 would still have almost as much value as my 05 confusion does,and get 14-16 mpg something the fusion only dreams about,thumbs up to mr.sled and the boys from this site for going the extra mile....
kenlacy said:
It's all good.

TTry he Yami's still have bad wind protection :D
JUmp on a fusion if you want bad wind protection,if you are talking about the new apex shield,than more than likely you are correct,but for 85 bucks get the one on the ER thats what i will do,at least when i ride up north in very cold days,and the rest of the time stock..
I'm sorry to the few guys that think this report is bs but I think tom and the guys he picked are a very reliable and respected source of info and I don't believe one minute that they give us wrong or sugar coated info. He put this on to give us insight of the 06 sleds so if you don't believe him fine but i think it is wrong as hell to sit here and shoot sh!t at some one when you have never riddin these sleds so what if it is too good to be true in your eyes let us decide for ourself what we think. Maybe you should have pm tom instead of trying to making someone look like an a$$ in front of the whole sight
Thank You Derek
Tom, Matt and all involved thanks a lot for the report and info. You guys did a class job for us. There is plenty of time to sort out what we have read and what we will see at the shows and to develop our opinions, but you fellas give us something to work with. Again thank-you for your efforts.
mnmsnowbeast said:
kenlacy said:
It's all good.

TTry he Yami's still have bad wind protection :D
JUmp on a fusion if you want bad wind protection,if you are talking about the new apex shield,than more than likely you are correct,but for 85 bucks get the one on the ER thats what i will do,at least when i ride up north in very cold days,and the rest of the time stock..

As bad as the Fusion is, the 05 RX1's with the midheight shield is not better than a Fusion in the windblock category. However it is better than a Rev or Firecat.
I did the test and probley posted in the wrong spot.Its under Wheres Toms Report heading. Anyone that knows me at all from this site knows I have NO brand loyality till now. I think Tom under stated how good these sleds are. In a earlier post I said I would with hold judge ment on Toms report and take the crews report as fact. I am glad I did not make some wild statements about his posting because I would have made a a$$ of my self. You couldnt get a line up of sleds this good if you could pick the best of all other brands and put them all together. There is something for every ones needs in this stable.Only bad thing I can say is it is too Hard to decide what to buy.
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