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TY Rides 06s today in Minocqua

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kenlacy said:
It is a good thing there are always people who don't see everything through rosey glasses or there would never be change.

I couldn't agree more. But its also an unfortunate thing that there are always people out there who will find fault with absolutely anything.

I am not going to argue with you....but I have never driven a sled that was a complete pile of crap....and I did mention the things that as a group we did not like. I have been watching you post for quite sometime and you are always full of such great postive info....I have said enough and I will not let someone make feel like I have done something wrong.... #$%&*
QC, I am the least Blue Blooded guy on this site and other than when Dan riles me up about Cat I have never felt intimidated so I would not say what I felt. I for one was 90% there and after these comments I made up my mind and traded my 03RX1 on an 06 Apex GT today, deposit, ,signed contract the whole works.

Tom don't let this guy get to ya, you guys did great to post a unbiased honest opinion on the 06 sleds and how they felt compared to the 05's in your group. Great job!
QC, in one of your previous post you make a point that there were no comments on what should be changed or what Mr.Sled and other participants would like to see different. Kind of alot to ask when they really didn't even get a full days riding on the new machines much less time to assimilate what was new and what was the same as the 05. Nonetheless, they did make some suggestions

First, they commented on the windshield, the seats for the RTX and Attak and questioned the Float shocks on the RTX as well. Yeah, I am sure Yamaha is loving that, new Fox Floats that are all the rage and they were questionable and didn't really make that big a difference to the TY guys overall.

The reviewers got to put how many miles and hours on each sled? Take a close look at the spring and fall reviews of the new sleds in SnowTech and you will see the same language and they get paid to do this and I believe spend a whole lot more time on the sleds. Oh, and try to keep the differences of each sled you ride for say 40 miles separate from the others. Not so easy.

We don't pay to view or participate in the forums on TY, we did not pay MrSled and those who went and rode the sleds, we did not pay them to put the HONEST review together and they were not paid to put this information out to the general public. HOWEVER, I for one find it very informative. Why you may ask, well because I was thinking about spring ordering a GT or RTX even before I read their review. Their review is nothing more than information I will gather, process and I am sure use in helping me make a decision on which sled to purchase. :o|

To MrSled and those who took the time to gather the information and participate in putting together what I believe was a very stellar first attempt at putting into words and easily understood categories their evaluation of the new sleds. So, while some may choose to criticize, please accept my Thanks and a few "Atta Boys" to go along with it. :rocks:
First, I've meet and rode with Tom, Terry, Buddha, Matt and Sleddersteve. They aren't going to BS anyone. Whats in it for anyone except Tom. They don't have any capital in the site. When in doubt, always follow the money, they don't have any invested here. The reports given were honest and very much appreciated. How many guys out there were waiting like me for the information. I had already made up my mind as to what I was buying, but this reported cemented the deal. I was with these guys the weekend before this ride, and they were like school kids and couldn't wait to go ride them. You guys did an excellent report and I thank you. See ya soon.
MrSled said:
I am not going to argue with you....but I have never driven a sled that was a complete pile of crap....and I did mention the things that as a group we did not like. I have been watching you post for quite sometime and you are always full of such great postive info....I have said enough and I will not let someone make feel like I have done something wrong.... #$%&*

I tried in every way possible not to accuse anybody of any inproprieties. I am happy that you guys got to ride them, and your review reflects a lot of effort on your part as well as the rest of the group.

Let no man offer a dissenting opinion lest he be cast out as a naysayer.
Tom, can I borrow your new GT next weekend? Or wasn't I supose to tell anyone you got to keep that one you tested in exchange for hosting the ride and giving a favorable report :tg:
MrSled said:
I am not going to argue with you....but I have never driven a sled that was a complete pile of crap....and I did mention the things that as a group we did not like. I have been watching you post for quite sometime and you are always full of such great postive info....I have said enough and I will not let someone make feel like I have done something wrong.... #$%&*

I wasn't aware that we were only allowed to post "positive info". I don't bash anybody's product, I try to ask meaningful questions. I'm sorry if those questions hurt someone's feelings, that is never the intent. Even my opinion on the '06 sleds was simply an opinion, and I always tempered it by saying that I am sure that they are a great improvement from the '05s. I never challenged anything you guys said about them that was good, I believe all of it. It's not like you guys are clueless about this whole thing. I guess that for me it just came off as way too nice and sweet with little or nothing critical to say about the new sleds.

I can appreciate that given the relatively small amount of seat time that you had, your focus would certainly be on the positives, but when I am looking at buying something I really want to know the negatives as well.

I've said enough, and again I will offer my apologies to all. In the future I will make an attempt to not be as negative as I apparently have been.

Tom, this is ultimately the best internet site I have ever seen, and I mean that.
greenmachine said:
QC, I am the least Blue Blooded guy on this site and other than when Dan riles me up about Cat I have never felt intimidated so I would not say what I felt. I for one was 90% there and after these comments I made up my mind and traded my 03RX1 on an 06 Apex GT today, deposit, ,signed contract the whole works.


Thanks Jim, that is good to hear.
Tfin said:
kenlacy said:
It is a good thing there are always people who don't see everything through rosey glasses or there would never be change.

I couldn't agree more. But its also an unfortunate thing that there are always people out there who will find fault with absolutely anything.

Ding Ding Ding....we have a winner. What would some of these guys rather see? Someone obsessing about a low windshield, and ignoring the wonderful motor and new ride position?
wolfie said:
Tfin said:
kenlacy said:
It is a good thing there are always people who don't see everything through rosey glasses or there would never be change.

I couldn't agree more. But its also an unfortunate thing that there are always people out there who will find fault with absolutely anything.

Ding Ding Ding....we have a winner. What would some of these guys rather see? Someone obsessing about a low windshield, and ignoring the wonderful motor and new ride position?

Ding Dong - No offense there Wolfie but just because something is unimportant to you does not mean the same for others. No one said anything about ignoring anything.
Between you and QC, I get this feeling you think I am being paid off by Yamaha to write a good report...you are both wrong and for both of you to make an assumption like that neither of you deserve to be on my site....I have NEVER posted false info nor do I ever battle over my opinion with others but this was the last straw....if you dont have anything good to say....dont post. I dont mind anyones opinions but with the way either of you word you cocky comments toward my review it was an insult ...maybe its the tone I cant hear but I have heard enough of your words.........your words and opinions are noted, lets hear from some others....
As I said before the windshield is a darn $50 item on a $10,000 sled. Who really gives a darn about spending $50 to correct this serious flaw !!!!!!!!!!!

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