Unusual Technical Support Request

I don't mind. I can talk about gyroplanes all day...and night...and on and on...

The machine in the video sells for about 40K complete and ready to fly. Some similar machines sell new for up to 200K. You can still find single-place machines used for under 10K, if you know what you are looking at. Gyroplanes are real aircraft and require training and a license. (yes, there are PART 103 ultralights that do exist and require no license, but they are few, far-between, and very problematic in many areas).
WOW, they are so cool, but a little more than I would want to spend at the moment, a for sure if I ever win the Lottery
Are the motors modified in any way to up the horsepower?
It's not a bad idea to pull the valves while the head is off to check them for straightness, just in case it jumped time also.
The valve stems are small diameter and if they are bent, the valve can "hang open" at higher RPM. When this happens the valve can come in contact with the piston and break the head of the valve off. Once this happens severe damage can occur.
(Been there done that)
StevewithOCD==> Im not familiar with the sidewinder motor. Biggest problem with engines and aircraft is working out the adapter for the propeller reduction drive. That's already been done for the 3 and 4 cylinder Yamaha snowmobile engines.
cannondale27==> Thanks, yes. I bought a manual.
sxr70001==> Nothing modified for horsepower. Mostly changes to oil and water plumbing. We typically also use a different radiator. I am using the K&N filters instead of the air box on the EFI engines, but not having a proper air box on the carb'd engines is very NOT GOOD. 130hp on a 2 place gyroplane is more than acceptable. We do disable and/or modify a bunch of things relating to the computer that are significant, but mostly to avoid errors for things that are no longer appropriate.
Mtnviper==> Thanks, I did that, and I checked that puck sizes for valve/cam clearance per the manual as well. Paranoia is my middle name.

ON A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT: Anyone know the resistance value on the fuel level sensor? I need to put a resistor across the line to stop the low fuel error on the console on a machine with a different fuel tank system that has its own fuel gauges.
ON A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT: Anyone know the resistance value on the fuel level sensor? I need to put a resistor across the line to stop the low fuel error on the console on a machine with a different fuel tank system that has its own fuel gauges.[/QUOTE]

I used sporsterdan’s post when I did my skidoo tank and it worked great. https://ty4stroke.com/threads/pro-rmk-front-on-nytro.114304/page-21
zx4ever==> Thanks. That was what I needed to know.
