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Vector vs. Rage


Jan 10, 2005
Grayslake, IL
I've been searching the archives and reading the forum...but haven't found a good answer to this... How does one choose the Rage or the Vector?

The longer track on the Rage should ride better all things being equal. More traction. Better off-trail perforamance.

But the Vector is supposed to have a better suspension setup? So the ride is actually better? The shorter track results in better on-trail performance?

I'm confused. Can anyone offer some insight? Thanks in advance!


Ya, I saw that thread, even replied to it.

The question there was if one should get a Vector and add the 136" track, or get the Rage w/ the track standard.

I'm not even sure of the benefits of the 136" track...?? Before reading that I had assumed the Rage/Warrior suspension was better than the Vectors..but that appears not to be the case?

I like to do alittle off trail riding in the up and northen wi once in a while and for the moguls or bumps it make a big difference you don't dip in between them as munch as a 121.Ryan
stevenknapp said:
How does one choose the Rage or the Vector?
Hopefully, I don't make it more confusing but you have to be honest with yourself about how you ride as the machines ride quite differently.

The Vector feels light and nimble, almost like you can toss it around at will. Along with that it will bounce around a bit but always seems in control.

The Rage feels steady and solid, no surprises but it doesn't toss around easily either. I wouldn't like it if all I did was chase my buddies through tight and twisty forest trails.

In my own case, I wanted a machine that I could ride long distances for hours at a time, the Rage fit the bill. I think the Vector would be a bit too "nervous" for this kind of riding.

Don't know if that helps or makes it worse but those were my decision points when I made the choice. :roll:
Hmmm, granted I've never riden a Rage. But I do know that my Vector doesn't feel "nervous" at all. I can ride that thing all day long for hundreds of miles in complete comfort and confidence.

I can see the Rage being able to "bridge" some of the smaller bumps better with its longer track, and having a little more floatation in deeper snow than the Vector though.
I came from a 121" 2000 Phazer. A very very light nimble machine.
I hated the fact that every time we would get into a set of whoops....I would be thrown all over the place. This is cause of the lightness of the machine and the length of the track I think.
I bought the Rage because of the longer track.....to cut down on the getting cought in the whoops thing, and found that the weight(although lighter than the warrior and still very nimble) helps a ton in the whoops.
I think this machine is great for everything, but it's strengths are giving you a smoother overall ride for a long day of riding. I havn't felt worn out yet. The longest I have put on it so far is about 250 miles in one day. ;)!
This is just me personaly, but I would never own another 121" sled. The longer track sleds ride better, better tracktion. Just my 2 cents. :4STroke:
I can defintely agree with the better traction and bridging bumps! The Rager also seems to go better in powder and off trail. It all depends on you riding conditions, but I would go with the Rager!

Our Team Blue president just traded his 05 Vector for an 05 Rage. He is very happy with the switch!
gnip134 said it better than I did, "nervous" probably wasn't the right word. :o|

Not being worn out after a long day of riding is the key for me but then as Impalapower says, I'm just a "Girlyman" :wink:
QCRider said:
Ok guys riddle me this one... If we ALL ride 136" tracks don't you think that the bumps will also move further apart and the "bridging the moguls" theory will no longer apply?

lol....yes....and when everyone does...we will all start going to mtn tracks....lol....our tracks could be 360" in the next 10 years....lol
Hopefully, I don't make it more confusing...

Nope, makes sense.

The fact that the vectors suspension is said to be better doesn't negate the benefits of the longer track, right? I'd prefer the better ride, and hence have been leaning towards the Rage.

The other factors of how nimble they are would require some test riding to really put into perspective. A friend has an SRX, and I've borrowed another friends Polaris "Indy"... they both ride pretty agressive in the trails. And the Indy could be thrown around with some work.

I hope to get a day on a Rage, and see how it compares. :D
I look at the Rage and Warrior as "tweeners". Not long enough to be good in the mountains and too big to be good in the twisties. While in principal they could be better in the bumps, the RX1 and Vector both have better suspensions.

The Warrior was good initially to solve the earlier RX1 stability and traction problems... since vastly improved.
