viper or xf 7000 starter failure


Mar 8, 2022
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Cyclone Pa
Arctic cat xf 7000 sno pro
2015 arctic xf 7000 with yamaha 1049cc. After riding for an hour shutdown and 5 min later tried to start and the starter motor did not turnover no noise grinding anything. I could hear starter solenoid click one time and instrument cluster stayed lit up, tried several times same result jumped post on solenoid still nothing. I replaced starter solenoid still does the same thing other than instrument cluster goes out and you can hear a light beep. I have read alot on starting problems on both viper and 7000. It has always had to try and start 2 times no problems, no kickback, backfire and ran smooth. It has not had the reflash done on ecu because I wasn't aware of it till I have reading all the problems on this sight. I have checked all the battery cable connections tight no corrosion. Checked all grounds tight no corrosion. Battery full charged and checked its good. Checked fuse box nothing that pertains to start with the relays and fuses. It has approx 2000 miles. I am thinking starter motor bad and have not removed yet to see if I may have missed something. Both OEM starters pricey anybody recommend aftermarket starter and part number?
This sounds exactly what happened to me. In my case I filled up with gas at a gas station and headed back out down the trail. As I was pulling up to a stop, my lights flickered and then the sled died. It would spark up the dash, but not turn the starter at all. Bypassed the solenoid and tried that, no love. It turns out the starter solenoid stayed on and the starter melted as it was spinning for the next 15 min.

As for price, Port Yamaha shows them being about $230US. Here they are $795 Canadian. Holy bend you over price. I got an aftermarket one from a guy here because I needed one that weekend. Not sure the brand. DB electrical has ones I and others have used just fine.


  • Burnt starter.JPG
    Burnt starter.JPG
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Pull the starter and take it apart for inspection. With the oil filter removed it will come out through the bottom and overall is a relatively easy job.

DB electrical or Rick's Motorsports Electrics:

I would also change solenoid as well anyways. Cheap to do.
