Thanks for starting this thread.
I am fairly new to the Yamaha 4 stroke game. I didn't think that seeing an almost full black gauge was still within acceptable range. Will take some getting used to.
I mentioned the 195-205 running temperatures to Donny Meyer, the regional Yamaha rep, who goes to our church. He said, "Let the coolant fan do it's job". I guess I didn't read that to say it's OK to have it run continuously. Not the first time I was wrong.
In addition, He mentioned that outboards & PWC's have a problem with "making" oil due to not running hot enough. Blow by builds up in the oil creating the illusion of "making oil" resulting in an overfilled condition. Same thing can happen to our sleds.
Running warmer, 195-205, burns off the contaminates and keeps the oil level closer to normal.
Bonus is it keeps the oil cleaner as well.
Embarrassingly I just had an "ah ha" moment. Our cars can suffer when not sustained, for an extended period of time, at normal operating temperature. That's typically 195-205 and sometimes beyond.
I've even preached that it's bad to Not run at operating temperature for extended periods.
Why I had a mental block, that our snowmobiles are any different, I don't know.
Thanks for everyone's kind explanations for something that I should have known all along.