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Warning ride light from Rock

I talked to him recently. He offered me a short 6" pig tail to tie into the sled side. But I have to pay shipping... I passed. I have 2 ride lites that are working ..one has the wires fixed. The other will go as well. I'll just fix it. don't want to put any more money into these RAD lights...
Make sure you get the one you need or want.. he did say you can use a heated shield RCA if you have a spare one laying around.

Up for sale never used... $50 for 2 of them plus $8 shipping.

ill take them do you take papal or cc
It is possible that it may just be an oversight on Rock's part being all clear and simple to him, not realizing that there are guys like me out there whose only hands-on experience with electricity is touching my tongue to the terminals of a battery to see if there is power or not. Might be a good idea to list options with prices to cover the possible applications.

I talked to him about it... he offered me the female with a short lead free (no shipping) as Rock is a great guy but I had sold them.. He should list options for the light.. $25 seems high without shipping for the connector ..I know they are hand made but still.. I have 3 machines.. it all adds up. Now If I can get my son and wife to pay there part Ha..
Lot's of them are on the left side panel..(drivers side if an auto) so the on coming machines can see the.

Steve on yours the RideLites WIRES have to be secured from moving at all when riding in the sub freezing...they get brittle and crack open breaking the copper strands as well. Rock seems to use a quality insulation and connector..

Yup I have them secured on all our sleds. Don’t love that I had to though.
Yup I have them secured on all our sleds. Don’t love that I had to though.

Do you see what I mean by the "cheap" wiring Rid Lite uses? It's common found most chargers,etc. Mine failed at the light at the point were it enters the unit..probably because of the weight from the pig tail connector. Bending in the cold cracked the insulation then the copper.. Also along the wiring at various points if not secured well..
The light it self wasn't bad.. The early ones used to fog up as they weren't sealed good.. I got replacements cause they leaked...I'm not sure about these.. I don't ride on those "wet" warm days anymore.. got too fussy and learned not to bother..ha..
On one light when the wiring failed I opened it soldered new wiring..which was a PIA... the other I bought LED lights on ebay and opened the lite and glued in both green and yellow.. two leads out ..which work ok.
The owner of Ridelight offered me new ones at 50% off but at the time I didn't have $100...for two... a year later I asked him if I could take the deal and he declined... so I have no reservations on trashing them..only because of the wiring and the way the wire connects into the light.. Rocks is so much better in that regard. If I had $100 to piss away I wouldn't be riding 11 yr old machines.. but hey... most things life is only 30 days I guess..even then.
If you have a heated shield plug all you need is an a RCA Splitter so you can power both heated shield and ride light.

I'm a distributor for Rock's Lights and I'm supplying the splitter with the lights I sell.
I bought a couple Y-Connectors works great. Rock's Lights are very nice product.


  • Y - Connector.jpeg
    Y - Connector.jpeg
    29.3 KB · Views: 245
the y connector is what i plan on using on my phazer rtx as it only has a heated sheild cord. all my other sleds have the power supply.
This is how I mounted my Ride Right. Used a ram mount system. fourth season using it still working great. When I started this sport four years ago was told about the hand signals. I didn’t think it was smart idea to ride with one hand inches from another sled passing me 40 plus mph. I still ride right and expect another sled coming around the next corner.
good idea with the ram mount. might stick out too far for me though as i have had trees run through that sopt when i off trail/break trail.

just need rock to contact me so i can get the ones i have ordered and my power supply back.
good idea with the ram mount. might stick out too far for me though as i have had trees run through that sopt when i off trail/break trail.

just need rock to contact me so i can get the ones i have ordered and my power supply back.
With the Ram mount a guy could just fold it back when in trees or even just remove it. I believe I saw someone with one mounted on a Ram mount at group ride. I am going to give it a try. Nice idea Fixit!
I received my light today and was out in the garage looking for a good place to mount it on my Apex. I am thinking of making a bracket and using the bolt that attaches the Powermadd hand guard to the bracket. This is where my cord for the heated shield is run to, allowing me to get a splitter and tap into it for power.Do you think that placing it at that location would limit the effectiveness being that it is behind the headlight?
I received my light today and was out in the garage looking for a good place to mount it on my Apex. I am thinking of making a bracket and using the bolt that attaches the Powermadd hand guard to the bracket. This is where my cord for the heated shield is run to, allowing me to get a splitter and tap into it for power.Do you think that placing it at that location would limit the effectiveness being that it is behind the headlight?
I think that would be perfect location. I run a med windy and it covers that area or I would have put it on Brake rezzy cover.
With the Ram mount a guy could just fold it back when in trees or even just remove it. I believe I saw someone with one mounted on a Ram mount at group ride. I am going to give it a try. Nice idea Fixit!

I have them mounted on Ram's on the side panel..left side.. That way the on coming riders can see it plain and simple.. With Ram mounting you can adjust it to point straight ahead..
Never had an issue with it there... Hard to see but it's on the panel..short arm ram mount... anchored to the short vertical piece on the panel . Mirror ( yes it works..Tall Indy Style) mounts on the horizontal panel .

good idea with the ram mount. might stick out too far for me though as i have had trees run through that sopt when i off trail/break trail.

just need rock to contact me so i can get the ones i have ordered and my power supply back.
The side cover and handle bar stick out past the light. I have rolled it on that side a couple of times and had no problem.
well rock keeps asking me what the heck i do to my stuff as he just replace the pigtail on my 2nd power supply and there where branch marks on the top of it. i mounted it behind the windy close to the cluster. i have had branches smack me in the gut riding in some areas i have to go. now my youngest brother makes me look like an amature.
