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What Did You Do To Your Sled Today???

Re: what i did

kopenytro said:
Well once again I start with something small and it blows up on me!

Went to relocate the tail lite the other day and next thing I know I am replacing my Barker can with a full Excell system and Skins lite weight seat.

The next problem is trying to figure out how to explain the 128 cobra track thats showing up in the mail next week to the wife. I know... better to ask forgiveness than permission!

Did anybody else spend more money on their sled this year because they DIDN'T ride verses putting on a normal mileage year?

understatement.... ;)!

Today I covered the sled with sheets, just waiting to do the oilchange next week. Meen while I am putting a list of crap to do to it over the summer.
Done riding here. Got the Attak apart for Donuts,steering bushings, starter saver,hyfax,spark plugs,many other little items.
I put the apex MTN to bed in the barn...anyone want to buy it??? 4600 and its yours!
(technically yesterday)

Washed and waxed her. Then polished the tunnel with Mothers Aluminum polish... Did it twice since I think it hasn't been done since new. It looks so awesome now. And the Mothers Syn-wax has a nice smell so she smells really pretty now too. hahaha

Started it up and listened to it purr for a few minutes.
Brought her to the dealer today for an oil change, replace bushings, and a new set of slides. When I get her back, I'll put a new set of carbides on, wash her, drain the gas, and put her away for the summer.

And BTW, I went almost 4,500 miles without an oil change over 2 seasons...anyone else gone that far without one? It wasn't on purpose of course. :o|
absolutely nothing!!!! same as for the past 4 or 5 weeks ..... positively horrible snow year here ... had a decent base down but the 170 or 180 mm of rain that fell right after did the job on it .... only upside is that we had more frost this season than last three so maybe next year we'll get some snow to go with it!
Picked up 15 gallons of premium high test and filled the sleds all up with some seafoam added. In Sask our Co-op premium has no ethanol in it so I thought I would try this instead of Av gas which still has lead in it.
I syphon the gas (regular) out of my sleds and then add seafoam. Then I run the engines and shut them down. Haven't had a problem in all these years.
Pulled the skid to add slydog rear wheels and excell x front idlers, hyfax were pretty wore out ahead of idlers hopefully excells will fix that. My left rail is also bent up in the front about a half inch. Does anyone know if the base model 07 rear shocks r rebuildable.
