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Which modular helmet to buy?


Oct 19, 2011
Iowa City, Iowa
2015 Arctic Cat ZR 8000 El Tigre
Ok, after my U.P. trip this last week, I got frostbite on both of my cheeks. (The cheeks on my face) It was COLD Thurs. and Fri! That hurts like heck! Never been frostbitten before! I have been wearing the 509 helmet with aviator goggles but that was the coldest frickin' set-up ever! Previously loved it but not anymore. Anything below 15 degrees F and you feel it! So, I'm going to get a modular helmet and have been looking at the ski-poo modular 2. Anyone have this and how do you like it? Anything out there better than the mod 2? Thanks for the info!

I have the Modular2. I like it, but it's breezy. There are times where I wasn't cold, yet wouldn't have minded being a touch warmer either.

I think the most universal answer you will get is to go with the BV2S. I have never heard anyone say it's cold, in fact some complain that it's too warm on some days.
i have the original modular and love it . have i gotten frost bite yes because I wasn't bundle up properly. i have to buy a new helmet soon, but don't want to be disappointed, bvs is crap to me anyways. tried the modular 2 it seems that I will b leaning that way!

watch my neighbour go through 4 different modular helmets for my one. now he owns one too!!!
I'll stand by the Mod 2 also. Great helmet I had a Gmax modular b4 the mod 2 and it isnt even in the same ballpark. I have a buddy I ride with who has the BV2s and on really cold days/nights he will have probs with freezing out the darth vader vent and fogging up. My wife and 2 buds where the mod 2 and we never had problems. Keep fresh filters on hand and a trick i came across is to take a piece of paper towel and roll it up (like a cigar) and place it in the bottom of the fighter mask. You could actually do this instead of using filters.
MCApex44 said:
I'll stand by the Mod 2 also. Great helmet I had a Gmax modular b4 the mod 2 and it isnt even in the same ballpark. I have a buddy I ride with who has the BV2s and on really cold days/nights he will have probs with freezing out the darth vader vent and fogging up. My wife and 2 buds where the mod 2 and we never had problems. Keep fresh filters on hand and a trick i came across is to take a piece of paper towel and roll it up (like a cigar) and place it in the bottom of the fighter mask. You could actually do this instead of using filters.

Instead of buying filters from ski-doo or using toweling like you mentioned, I went to Wal-greens and bought a "Sham-WOW" towel, folded it in half and used an OEM filter as a template to cut out new ones. Now I have 4 new filters that are twice as thick (2 filters end to end if I unfolded them). I'm not saying the Sham-Wow was the key, I'm sure any sort of chamois cloth would work I'm sure... but they are much more durable than paper toweling or OEM filters and can be wrung out pretty easily. I think it cost me $10.
I have a Mod 2 and and can provide some compelling counter-points. The actual rubber breath deflector is not the best design. It uses a piece of material to absorb the moisture. I find that after 20 minutes of use, it is saturated. Next, there are elastic adjustment straps for the rubber nozzles on each side. They work themselves loose so I have to keep them adjusted tight. Having them adjusted tight puts more pressure on my face and makes it harder to snap to the helmet. Speaking of face, if you have a beard or mustash, forget about a tight seal and expect some leakage which may result in fog/frost on the visor. Also, every time you put the rubber breath deflector on, you need to take the time to align it properly or else you may find it pinching your nose shut and/or the nozzles may not line up with the helmet when you go to close it. When you take off the deflector, be prepared to have the moisture run down the front of your jaacket of you are not careful. I have also broken the snaps on the deflector. Bombardier sells a replacement kit so this tells me they know of this problem. Get yourself replacements to take along.

If you plan on using a communicator such as Chatterbox like me, there is no good way to mount the mic. I am told I sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown! Also, mounting the Chatterbox on this helmet is PIA. The mounting bracket does not work because of the plastic piece along the bottom.
And if you have ant claustraphobic tendancies, the deflector is not going to be your friend!
Last, the dealer told me that they sell most all their helmets with the heated shield because most do not like the deflector! IMO this defeats the whole reason to buy the helmet! Retail price of the heated visor: $160! Really!

My buddy has the BV2S and after watching him use that helmet, it seems to be a much superior design and I would purchase a BV2S over the Mod 2 if I were to do it again.

My best advice to you is to see if you can rent this helmet for a weekend to try it first. It may help you make the best decision.

- Just my 2 cents!
BV2S is an awesome helmet, very warm, quiet, outstanding visibility...even a taillight. I found the Mod2 to be too fussy and does not fit my head as well. The BV2S for me is so easy to use, adjust it once and your good, and I have never had it fog up, even when riding at -30.
Gmax 54s. on sale at Royal for like $169 right now. It's warm, I've never had it fog up on me either. I really like it. Built in sunshade and LED lights on the back which can also be hooked up to your taillights with a $20 wireless kit.
