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Which SlyDog; Trail or Powderhound??

Even just my trail skis do a good job of keeping the front end on top of the snow. Now if only the back end would cooperate.
I say trail skis unless you ride off trail all the time then get Powderhounds. I have the Trail version and ride off trail once in awhile and they seem to do a good job keeping the front end up, HUGE improvement over stock skis!
Get the race skis, I find that the regular trail and powderhound skis are too thin, makes the skis floppy. The race skis are thicker.
I got the race skiis also.

I will have to tell you tho...I put on my buddies Ski-Doo Pilots that he took off his new '09 TNT...man these things are awesome!! Not putting those slydogs back on!!
I agree that the Pilot skis are very good, however I scored a great deal on a pair of C&A Outlaw skis. Holy cow! What an improvement, point and shoot. :Rockon:
I've been very satisfied with my Powderhounds. I'm sure the other two Slydog models would work fine too, relative to handling on groomed trails, but I take the thing out to West Yellowstone once or twice a year and the wider skis help on those trails with 6-8 inches of fresh powder on them, which was every ride there last year. They do help immensely with riding the deep powder, but I'm pretty reluctant to do much of that with my short-track Apex because even with the wide skis, that machine is not a powder sled.
Powderhounds here too, just back from breaking trail in 3' of fresh stuff and the hounds keep the oh so heavy front end up on top, even from dead stop front comes up on top. Yes, not the best hard pack racing ski, but for my applications I can say they are world's above the stock crap!
