Yamaha/Totallyamaha 2017 Showcase **Clutching**

I read on one of there add's supporting there choice to run the 8jp was a new angle on the sheeves,and if they did primary would need to match it to the secondary,did you ask them if we could run the 8dn belt? Is the 8dn wider or narrow compared to the new 8jp belt?
I believe they said same thing when Viper came out with 8jp. Of more concern to me would be the length. If you get full shift at primary with both and no slipping the 8jp should be faster since shorter belt will be pulled down further in secondary. Maybe they have it figured out using that belt. Was no sign of slipping on any of the Sidewinder clutches I saw last weekend. I would not make a change till needed and on the Vipers it was very evident something needed to be done with 8jp. Black nasty clutches and lots of belt dust. Was a very easy fix with 8dn length and many of us just stuck with it. Always wanted to go back and try that 8jp again many have made it work.
I believe they said same thing when Viper came out with 8jp. Of more concern to me would be the length. If you get full shift at primary with both and no slipping the 8jp should be faster since shorter belt will be pulled down further in secondary. Maybe they have it figured out using that belt. Was no sign of slipping on any of the Sidewinder clutches I saw last weekend. I would not make a change till needed and on the Vipers it was very evident something needed to be done with 8jp. Black nasty clutches and lots of belt dust. Was a very easy fix with 8dn length and many of us just stuck with it. Always wanted to go back and try that 8jp again many have made it work.
Yes,thats what I will do as well,test and test and if needed test with an 8DN,once shimmed,if its slower or less top speed,it will be pulled and kept for a spare.
I always set the neutral with the fixed sheave by machining the split collars. Using that 911 cover to set
the neutral with the moveable sheave, won't that affect the shift characteristics?

I'm with Cannondale, I never noticed shift differences....only smoother engagement and the clutch working better.
Yes,thats what I will do as well,test and test and if needed test with an 8DN,once shimmed,if its slower or less top speed,it will be pulled and kept for a spare.

Yes, try it and see.

The only thing is the new clutch didn't come out till just recently. The Sidewinders ran the old style clutch for sometime before the new ones were installed. That is why the one thread I saw on TY, someone was saying that the old clutch was still on there. Don't remember the post, but that's what I remember.

Most guys who own older Yamaha sleds will be buying the 8DN so they can swap between them and not have the extra 8JP.
Yes, try it and see.

The only thing is the new clutch didn't come out till just recently. The Sidewinders ran the old style clutch for sometime before the new ones were installed. That is why the one thread I saw on TY, someone was saying that the old clutch was still on there. Don't remember the post, but that's what I remember.

Most guys who own older Yamaha sleds will be buying the 8DN so they can swap between them and not have the extra 8JP.

All the ride-able show sleds were rollers and the correct clutches. The sleds that you or anyone saw with Viper Clutches where ones that were made to look like SideWinders to represent models for pictures and so on, that's why some clutches where changed later in the Dealer shows and Sneak Peaks.
All the ride-able show sleds were rollers and the correct clutches. The sleds that you or anyone saw with Viper Clutches where ones that were made to look like SideWinders to represent models for pictures and so on, that's why some clutches where changed later in the Dealer shows and Sneak Peaks.

Gotcha, thanks for the correction.
I also heard different sheave angle so 8dn may not work.
I believe Mr.Sled put all the different changes in the sticky at the top of the forum,and it did have info about the angle change I believe.
I also heard different sheave angle so 8dn may not work.
At Pleasant Prairie they had the actual clutches there and some of the guys actually got to put their hands on them and fiddled with them. I wasn't there when they did that, but I did eye up the the clutch laying on the table and took the belt off of the sidewinder that was half apart already (so you could see engine and chassis.) Was very easy to get on and off btw.
My dealer made a similar comment. He said Yamaha designed a new belt specifically for the SideWinder. Not sure where he got this information??

If the belt was changed, it would have a different part number
Going to post this for all to see and then hope to add this to the sticky clutching post for the Sidewinder.

Yesterday at Corporate Yamaha, TY members were able to get a good look, touch, hear and even disassemble some of the Sidewinder.

I brought tools down with me to take apart the clutching and make sure some of the aftermarket stuff was going to still work on the new clutches. Results are in:

OSP adjuster for the secondary will work just the same as the Viper, only problem was the flange on the new secondary bolt is larger than the Viper secondary bolt. 2 options here....grind/machine a little off of the outside diameter of the bolt flange or find another bolt like the Viper bolt. Function will be the same and recommended for the serious clutching guy. Otherwise there are washers that are stacked up on the main secondary bolt that controlls your belt deflection.

8DN belt will work as there is plenty of movement for the 8DN to get correct belt deflection.

Thunder Products 911 cover mounts up nice and snug, no change there and will work perfectly. I will be running this on my primary.

Same with all aftermarket weights and springs, they will all work. Speaking of weights, the new weights have the same profile as the 8FP weights but with more tip weight.

The Sidewinder primary is an amazing piece and will cure a lot of the problems the Vipers had which means smoother clutch movement, better engagement, better top end and quicker backshift.

The secondary will also work so much better and I do not know the specific angle, but the Sidewinder does have a reverse angle helix. This is so power can be raised quickly and then as the weights start to swing, the turbo power puts it all to the steep angle on the helix giving you the ultimate power up top where needed.

Was a great turnout, even tho the rain kept up under the pop-ups most of the time.
Or a whole pile of the sauce was ingested prior to posting haha

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