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ZX2 Vibration survey

Classic track howl...well documented in other threads.

Cause: idlers running over the fiberglass rods in the track lugs (washboard effect). I've pulled all the idlers & the noise/vibration completely disappears. Heavy sled + thinner tracks+ harder idlers=deafening howl.

Fix: Intall an AC "Quiet Track", which AC patented, which is why Yami can't copy it, OR see my fix using studs & washers(search out "yank" & "track howl"). Worked great on my Venture.

Yami needs to find a factory fix for this or they will start losing customers fast!
yank said:
Classic track howl...well documented in other threads.

Cause: idlers running over the fiberglass rods in the track lugs (washboard effect). I've pulled all the idlers & the noise/vibration completely disappears. Heavy sled + thinner tracks+ harder idlers=deafening howl.

Fix: Intall an AC "Quiet Track", which AC patented, which is why Yami can't copy it, OR see my fix using studs & washers(search out "yank" & "track howl"). Worked great on my Venture.

Yami needs to find a factory fix for this or they will start losing customers fast!

A little effort to read the thread would be appreciated.

This is not a howl. It is a solid vibration, just like running over rumble strips in your car.
Yes the rumble strip sound is what best decribes mine. It seemed ok then just started I actually stopped and look to see what it was. Next hardpack road I found it was much less. So far I am not annoyed but hoping for 700+ miles this week, so I'll update after.
yank said:
Classic track howl...well documented in other threads.

Cause: idlers running over the fiberglass rods in the track lugs (washboard effect). I've pulled all the idlers & the noise/vibration completely disappears. Heavy sled + thinner tracks+ harder idlers=deafening howl.

Fix: Intall an AC "Quiet Track", which AC patented, which is why Yami can't copy it, OR see my fix using studs & washers(search out "yank" & "track howl"). Worked great on my Venture.

Yami needs to find a factory fix for this or they will start losing customers fast!

Aaaahhhhhhh that's why I have no track howl or vibrations I guess, I run a AC RipSaw 1.25x136 Quiet Track unstudded
I just did another 500 miles on mine and no vibration except on occasion and I think its when the track was eating a big chunk of ice from the tunnel. She is smooth as glass other then the normal slight vibration from the engine.
:-) mine is like yours, no vibes
I added idler wheels out toward the front of the rails simular to an extra wheel kit - I also run the track on the loose side - pretty much eliminated the problem
