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  1. fx10mtx

    Doesn't want to start right away..

    I had the same issue with my 2008 Nytro when running it with 91 gas. When i put it back on regular gas , 87, it solved this issue... Only when cold or when i did not use it for a couple days.
  2. fx10mtx

    Mountain Tech Running Board install was a breeze.

    I'll try to insert pics!!
  3. fx10mtx

    OFT relocater, heavy steering??

    It is maybe because of holiday because habitually he gets back to us pretty fast! It is also my second relocator kit and did not had problem with the first one. The way I figured that the upper bushings were too tight, I loosen the 2 upper bolts that holds the clamp and steering was moving...
  4. fx10mtx

    OFT relocater, heavy steering??

    I had the same issue. OFT sent me a set of upper bushings. The first i had installed were machined too tight. When i loosen the 2 allen bolt, steering was moving freely but when bolts were tight, very hard to turn. With new bushings, every thing is ok!
  5. fx10mtx

    09 xtx wheel bearings

    I've been using these wheels since 2008. I do a lot of trail riding. Never had problem with the wheels. Some had plastic inner races into bearings. These are cheap, they do not last very long. I had them replaced by NTN bearings. The sled (2008) has now 15,000 km and wheels are all in good...
  6. fx10mtx

    09 xtx wheel bearings

    Check it out in Kimpex catalog, Snowmobile 2014 p.353 They call these Yamaha improved wheels. http://catalogues.kimpex.com/Snowmobile ... -ca/#353/z
  7. fx10mtx

    09 xtx wheel bearings

    Kimpex now have wheels that fits right on place and are bigger than oem wheels. I bought them all for my 2013 MTX ;)
  8. fx10mtx

    Missing on cold start-up

    Mine was doiing that when running with premium fuel. Put it back on regular fuel and was ok!
  9. fx10mtx

    Gas for nytro

    With supreme gas, engine didn't fired up a first turn of the key. With regular gas, it did. So i've had better results with reg. than supreme!
  10. fx10mtx

    oil in belly pan

    Mine did the same last winter :dunno:
  11. fx10mtx

    oilite front end bushings

    Great bushings, fits great and more durable. ;)!
  12. fx10mtx


    I also order parts from USA. Much cheaper even if we have to pay for shipping...
  13. fx10mtx

    My 2011 MTX project

    Nice project! A friend of mine had is XTX delivered in the crate at his place last year. He took some pictures and put theses on a website, showing the sled still in the crate... The dealer was ok with that. Then, dealer received a call from Yamaha Motor Canada, saying that they've seen these...
  14. fx10mtx


    With that beep beep disconnect, some forget that they are still on reverse and flip over the handlebar!!!!! :jump:
  15. fx10mtx


    Every thing will stay in place. The only thing is that if that bolt is broken, it rubs on the inside of the cover. After a wile, i don't know how much dammage it could do to the cover... You'd better take the time to remove the cover and take a look at it... Mine was broken...
  16. fx10mtx

    Kids grip that is install under fuel cap???

    Another good reason to ride only Yamaha's!!!!!lol :rules
  17. fx10mtx

    Kids grip that is install under fuel cap???

    This is what i also think. Mountain strap is a great idea but it is fix to the steering, meens movement from the co-pilot is necessary while turning compared to the other model wich is fix to the fuel cap...
