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12V heated gloves

My first set of battery powered gloves were purchased several years ago at Cabella's. I purchased the 120-volt and 12-volt plugs so I would never be without some type of charging capability. They had 3 different temperature settings. I only ride up in northern Maine and nighttime temperatures can easily be -20F or lower. The gloves worked excellent - unfortunately I lost them during a ride in Canada (I left my saddle bags open). I bought another set from L.L. Bean and they're much better. I only use them when I can't get my hands to warm up - even after my thickest "lobster gloves" from Klim. The new set also has 3 settings. They heat up in 10-15 seconds and need to be turned down to the low setting after a while. I NEVER ride without them. Definitely a recommended purchase.
I cant find heated gloves on LL Beans website???


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