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2005 Jan New York TY Ride

Hey WW, great to hear from you. Are you going to be around for our ride? We need someone to do a write up like last year. It was very funny and it brought back a ton of great memories. Let me know, Dana.

Boston, put me down for Wed-Fri. I booked late so only have a room for Wed and Thurs nights. I hope to bring another RX1 rider along, not confirmed. Darren.
Daren, you should try other hotels in the area for Friday night. I have a room for Saturday night that I will not be using is your interested. Let me know.
Boston. I can be at the Mont tuesday around noon. Will this be good for ya? Is that correct? Timberveiw is waiting on NYS funding? They won't see any money untill middle of January, and thats if they have a sponsor that can move along the process! The vouchers are not back yet, so they have to be sent, then signed by the sponsor, then sent back to NYS for them to sign the checks over. They claim we might get our 70% this year, and not some weird figure of 56.4% like last year. To bad Timberview ran their club so close to folding up. Sure is nice to see everyones money coming back to the clubs this year though. I think all the clubs will be very happy! It will be much closer to what is really spent and needed!! See Ya SOON !!HONK
Anyone else know the trails around Tug Hill area to lead our group? I just got an offer that is hard to refuse, to ride in Canada the week of our TY ride. I might be going to Canada that week.

BBW, I am really bumming you will not be at the ride, but I can't blame you either. I hope you have a great time and can join us on the next one.
Can I come?

:yam:Hi everyone! I just could'nt help myself! I had to come check out the action here at Totally Yamaha to see what all you guys are up to. As I expected you guys have'nt changed abit!....lol As for me I'm missing out this season but don't worry. I'll be back! Next season for sure! My 92 Vmax motorcycle is getting an overhaul and a bunch of custom chrome work done. Aswell as a new paint job so thats kind of keeping my mind off the sledding season. (Until I logged on to this site and read about all the fun you guys having) lol But atleast my bike will looking good in the spring right? I'm planning on coming down to The Hill on either the 26th or the 27th so I can try out the 05's and decide what my next sled will be. (Hopefully something that will kick HRDS Viper all over the snow) HE HE HE! RX1-Man! How do you like the 05 RX1? Is the new skid as nice as they claim? Boomer! I was really hoping that you'd have a new job where you made enough money to buy 2 sleds so I could borrow one!...lmao Enough for now guys. I'll be watching the antics from my computer for this year. So have fun and be safe and keep the chowder warm! hahahaha
Indy,Monker & RX136,

Hope to see you all soon!
Hey if nothing else we can all have dinner and drinks together.
P.S. I hope for your sake that Pinhead does'nt read this forum.
C.J. aka RXONE
RXONE, You picked a good year to be out of snowmobiling. Looks like rain and more rain this week. Maybe a little snow on Wed., but not enough to ride on. May be up in the upper 40's again next weekend. Hope to see you at Montague. I'm looking for a lot of snow in February and the first half of March. Take care, BBW
Hi Gordon!

Hey Gordon nice to hear from ya. Well I thought because I did'nt have a sled it would snow like hell this season..Hope the snow piles up for ya soon! I'll do a snow dance for you guys! See Ya Soon!
CJ aka RXONE.... gone for the season, but definately not forgotten! Gordon is right. You definately picked a good season to sit it out. This weather absolutley blows. Hope all is well.

On a seperate note, I would like all to drop to their knees and pray to the "Snow Gods" or the deity of their choice in hopes of turning this crappy weather pattern in a better direction and bring us plenty of snow for the TY ride in the end of January.


-Steve (O.C.)
Guys, I know there is no snow, but we still need to keep our plans as long as possible, since it is coming. I just talked with Silvia this afternoon and only three people have called her, me being one of them. Please give her a call. Eventhough she is openning only for us, she needs to know who is coming and if it is worth it for them to stay open.
I called them and spoke to Sylvia's husband about a month ago. At the time he didn't want to take my name or anything but said he would tell her. I was just calling to make sure that they knew that 1 more rider was going to need a room. He was pretty clueless. :(

Let's just pray for snow so we can still do this.

THIS WEATHER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like I be comming back from the regular trip to Quebec with some fellow TY-ers... Looks like Montague Inn is the spot so I will see if we can join you guys either Friday or Saturday for the fun...

This weekend I'm headed out to the Muni Ride so I pick on Tom (Mr. Sled) for all the NY-TY-ers Ok? :tg:

I'll keep an eye on the forum to keep up to speed on what is happening here and hope to see you guys that weekend.

Buster, sounds great. It will be great to meet you and anyone else you bring. This thread has been a little to quiet for the past few weeks. Lets get some activity going guys. I am still holding a reservation for Saturday night that I won't be needing. First one who wants it, gets it. I am just hoping for more snow. Has anyone heard from Honk lately?
