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2005 Jan New York TY Ride

If anyone still needs a room at the Montague, I canceled my reservations, so there should be a room available for Thursday thru Saturday nights. That is unless they've already rented it. I've arranged for someplace else to stay and don't need it now.


ny ride

hi guys i am trying to change things around here so i can come and ride at least one day. i have only put on about 2 hundred miles so far way behind. we do have rideable snow here. i hope to be able to come so hrd and i can kick some butt with the vipers. take care guys i will keep all of you up to date
Wrench, I was wondering where you were. I was going to give you a call. Now, what is all this Viper talking smack. I think this year you will need more than HRD. There are some secret weapons amoungst us this year. We will see who will be first. I hope you will be able to ride with us. Take care, Dana.
Viperman and I should be up to the hill Tuesday night late. Looking forward to the ride and seeing the NY TY gang again. Did get in 210 miles from my house this past weekend, breakin on the new sled now completed. Rode a Vector one day, glad I got a RX-1.
Wasn't Yamaha planning on having demo rides in conjunction with our ride? Don't see it on their schedule of demo rides. Hope the forecast holds true for the next couple weeks and we get a good snowfall one of those days.
Hey GUYS!!!! We got some cold weather now all we need is some snow!! Dana, My computors been dead for a few weeks. Everything still OK? I will be at the Mont by noon Tuesday. Have a buddy comin too. He has a new vector, I called that lake clear about two months ago and they claimed all was well. Do we need to call again? They only took my name. no numbers or anything? Can't wait to do some ridin. Just maybe we can find some CHOWDA-- HRD!!!! HONK
Honk, you may want to call Charlie's again. When I spoke to Sylvia on 11/30/04 she took my name and gave me a room number.
We need to make some decisions and I would like some feedback from you guys. Since the lack of snow, we need to decide what we are going to do. I know it is a lot of effort and expense and I don't want to waste out times. Let's have a consensus by this Wednesday AM. Here are the choices as I see them. I definitely think the bagger trip is out because even in the best of conditions, going north to Saranac Lake from what I am told is good at best when there is snow.

1. Stay on schedule and hope for snow.
2. Just plan the ride for Friday and Saturday hoping we get snow by then.
3. Go to Canada.
4. Reschedule altogether to a later date.

I think we have 5 days to cancel our reservations at the Montague Inn. I am open for anything, I just want good conditions or I would rather save my vacation time for another day.
I was already planning on cancelling my reservations and probably just going for a day trip on Friday. It looks like there will be some lake snows, which would make Friday riding OK. I am up for anything though.
I agree with the bagger trip being out of the question, but I still think that at least 2 days of riding out of Montague is possible. I would think Wednesday, Thursday would be best. I definitely would not want to be around the hill on Saturday and Sunday and Friday even might be a little busy. With this winter being the way it has been, every yahoo will be up there on the weekends till the end of the season. Besides, lets not give up to early. The forecasts I've been seeing are calling for snow every day till next week.
I just got off of the phone with Sue, the owner of the Montague, she said to call on Monday morning the 24th of January and let her know what our plans are. There would be no cancelation penalty if we did that. I still would like to decide another plan if these get changed.
I say cancel the bagger. Plan on riding out of Motague Wed-Fri. I think there will be good snow by middle of next week.
There will be no new snow on the hill until at least Wed. All the lake effect today and tomorrow will be in the finger lakes region west of Syracuse. There will be another round of lake effect Thurs. and Fri. of this week, but it is too early to tell who will get it. I don't see much snow this weekend, but hopefully something will develope for early next week. I would say to wait as long as possible before we give up on the whole ride. The bagger trip is definitly out. I would still plan for a Wed. through Friday riding daily out of Motague. I'll be in Canada riding. Hope you guys have snow for the NY TY ride. Take Care. BBW.

