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2012 excessive slide wear Need help or suggestions.

Yamaha Nytro XTX Track Clips vs Slides.

I also own a 2010 nytro xtx with the same slide wear problem as every one else. I have the margnal wheel kit up front and it seem's to be working for me. However My last trip I noticed my track clips were blue from the heat,(obbiously) Conditions were good and I got in powder all the time to keep cool. My slides still had lot's to wear but my question is. Will the track clips wear down even though they are wearing against the plastic slides???
stook said:
Get the new dupont sliders they work great

I wouldn't reward Yamaha by purchasing more of their accessories due to the poor design. This has been an issue on several models for several years. I truly believe Yamaha hasn't remedied this problem due their brisk sales on both sliders and idler wheels. I remember years ago when I tried to order Yammy idler wheels with replaceable bearings, they were on back order for 3 months. Same goes for the new sliders...a near impossible task to find a set.

Get the Excell idler wheels instead.
This might be a stupid question, but are you guys "tempering" your slides? I've have 664 mi on my oem slides and the 1st thing I did was temper the slides within 7 miles of my first ride. I did notice they will ware down to a certain point and stay there but it is still way before the ware lines.

I run with pack of 5 nytros xtx's from 2009 thru 2012 and can make some observations regarding hyfax wear:

1. The wear is normally between the mid and rear idler wheels. The 5 nytros I run with all wear in that same spot. I don't normally see wear around the tip up in back or at the front radius. There's a bit, but nothing compared to between the wheels.

2. Break in is critical. Try to avoid burning them down when first installed. I did that last spring not once but twice and burnt out two set in a total of 80 miles. If you keep speeds down (under 50 mph for the first 50 miles, even 25 miles, it will help temper the hyfax. If you have melted hyfax all over your track clips...you are melting them down.

3. You will notice pretty excessive wear between the wheels after a new set of hyfax is installed, no matter how well you break them in, but it's pretty normal and seems to stop after a certian point. Mine wore down to within 3/16" of the wear limit in 50 miles and haven't moved in 1000 miles since. They even stuck to the rails twice during break in! They seem to stop wearing after a point, and that point is between 3/16 and 1/8 of the limit.

4. Track tension. I found my dealer was always over tightening my track after service. I now run the track with maybe 1 inch of gap between hyfax and track clips when track lifted off the ground. Doesn't ratchet, and should also help on slide wear.

5. Consider ice scratchers. I didn't for years and finally realized I was being stupid. Slidekicks and the Yami antisway bar mounts work in reverse, are just enough to keep everything lubricated in marginal conditions, and are easy to mount. They are even more important if you ride fast (over 60mph) in marginal conditions. I have over 2000km's on my slidekicks and they are still working great. Not as good as spring scratchers, but I don't find I need them for our conditions.

Wheels will help for sure, but I would try the easiest things first. I did 2500km's on my first set of hyfax, 70km's on my second and thrid set, and I am over 1600km's on the current set (with scratchers installed) and they still have better than 3/16" to the wear limit.

I can guarantee one thing however. If you put a new set of hyfax on, and head out to your favorite lake or fast trail and pin it, you won't make 40 miles.

Hope this helps,

Off Trail Mike said:

I run with pack of 5 nytros xtx's from 2009 thru 2012 and can make some observations regarding hyfax wear:

1. The wear is normally between the mid and rear idler wheels. The 5 nytros I run with all wear in that same spot. I don't normally see wear around the tip up in back or at the front radius. There's a bit, but nothing compared to between the wheels.

2. Break in is critical. Try to avoid burning them down when first installed. I did that last spring not once but twice and burnt out two set in a total of 80 miles. If you keep speeds down (under 50 mph for the first 50 miles, even 25 miles, it will help temper the hyfax. If you have melted hyfax all over your track clips...you are melting them down.

3. You will notice pretty excessive wear between the wheels after a new set of hyfax is installed, no matter how well you break them in, but it's pretty normal and seems to stop after a certian point. Mine wore down to within 3/16" of the wear limit in 50 miles and haven't moved in 1000 miles since. They even stuck to the rails twice during break in! They seem to stop wearing after a point, and that point is between 3/16 and 1/8 of the limit.
4. Track tension. I found my dealer was always over tightening my track after service. I now run the track with maybe 1 inch of gap between hyfax and track clips when track lifted off the ground. Doesn't ratchet, and should also help on slide wear.

5. Consider ice scratchers. I didn't for years and finally realized I was being stupid. Slidekicks and the Yami antisway bar mounts work in reverse, are just enough to keep everything lubricated in marginal conditions, and are easy to mount. They are even more important if you ride fast (over 60mph) in marginal conditions. I have over 2000km's on my slidekicks and they are still working great. Not as good as spring scratchers, but I don't find I need them for our conditions.

Wheels will help for sure, but I would try the easiest things first. I did 2500km's on my first set of hyfax, 70km's on my second and thrid set, and I am over 1600km's on the current set (with scratchers installed) and they still have better than 3/16" to the wear limit.

I can guarantee one thing however. If you put a new set of hyfax on, and head out to your favorite lake or fast trail and pin it, you won't make 40 miles.

Hope this helps,


I agree with off trail mike. I could even smell the hyfax on my 2011 on the first trip. I now have 1,400 miles on with the origional hyfax and they havent hardly worn since the first trip. I'd ride it out and see what happens if they aren't worn too low already.
1500 miles on my last set so far. My skid is all stock except for the added 4th wheel in the back. Break in the hyfax and run the tension on the loose side of the spec. IMO to many people run with the tension to tight.
Slider wear has many variables and some are unpreventable! I put on 500km in loose snow (not groomed or packed) and my sliders were still good as new. Then 30kms on a groomed trail they wore paper thin instantly at the front and the snow conditions were ok. Now 1.75" BC on an XTX with a 300lb rider I expected wear but this was excessive. I installed Dupont sliders and no wear at all, even after late season icy conditions! As in WOT down an lake where there was no lube and overheat light came on but no burnt sliders! I was worried about track clip wear but after 500km sllders are bearly worn and clips are perfect. I would say Dupont sliders are the way to go!

For the Haters: I am also unhappy with all of the issues that Yamaha ignores but I don't continually whine about it, I just fix em and ride!
I too bit the bullet and bought a excell wheel kit. I have yet to ride the sled but I did notice that the extra wheel kit that bolts just forward of the rear axle took a lot of pressure of the hyfax in the back.

This is where all of the wear on mine was after 500 miles, all in the rear down to the wear line. I too called Yamaha to complain about excessive wear. They did not seem too concerned and told me to ride in optimal snow conditions "Yea whatever"
X2 on the Excell X-wheels 2000 kms no visable wear.
well after 2000miles for the year they wore down to the break in spot and nothing since....excell wheel kit all the way....no need to change them for next year
I am looking at studding this summer and currently run a loose track. What is a safe amount of "sag" to have between the track and hyfax when I lift the sled? I am torn between X wheels, dupont, or test it out first.
dubla92 said:
For the Haters: I am also unhappy with all of the issues that Yamaha ignores but I don't continually whine about it, I just fix em and ride!
Thats perfectly said. anyone can stand there, hands in pockets, all day long, the machine aint gonna ride itself....
For what its worth, did my homework here, 3 seasons ago, then bought the sled, added 6 wheels, studs,skiis and relocated streering before it ever saw snow. 6000mi of wot. and 3 years later, slides look great. besides considering the star susp kit, plan to keep same for years to come. still never bored or disapointed with this sled, not for a second.
