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2016 Yamaha Apex?

Are you guys saying that Apex's are heavy sleds???? This is like the best kept secret ever!! I am always the last to find these things out!!! I guess I should have done more research.

Now, am I supposed to hate my sled now or can I still love it and feel like it's the best sled on the trail as I run near the front and never break??

Is this even worth a reply? Most of us are not rich. 25,000 mile first valve adjustment!!!!!! Race Proven R1 sport bike BULLETPROOF motorcycle engine!! For the VALUE / MONEY /RESALE / FIT AND TRIM, it blows all sleds out the doors. Besides I have the XTX and ride in very deep snow in the U.P. and I only got stuck once in a huge light powder drift (( I was trying to get the thing stuck just to see if I could)) The XTX is very hard to get stuck. Trust me I have tried many many times. For the total value of your money, you can not beat it no way. Edit, Ooops I almost forgot about the power steering as well. !!!! You can even put a Turbo on it if you want. What, 320 HP or more??? Its the Porsche of snowmobiles! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e_D9_vcyEc
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Sorry CC...but I disagree with everything u said...I too grew up on yamaha (and sno jets)....my parents went to school with the Trapps, and I know Mike well...I was at Eagle River when he won in 71 and 72, and I Was also there when Ed Schubitzke won in 76...I saw Steve Houle dominate snow cross races in early 80s, and Tim Bender dominate formula 3...I watched Pat and Jerry Hauk dominate in drag racing (mike Knapp as well )... so yeah..I know the history of yamaha. ...and I have owned all 4 brands...I recently bought a slightly used 2011 Apex XTX. ..and absolutely love it...it's a great machine...heavy?? Yep...don't care...I will take reliability over light weight ANYDAY....yamaha has always been the king of reliability in the snowmobile business (yes they had a couple stinkers...but not many).....I will be riding a Yamaha 4 stroke for a long time...you are way off in your assessment of yamaha...yes..things change...but one thing hasn't over the past 47 years....your chances of getting home on yamaha are better than any other brand...if that makes me a sheep...so be it...pass me the blue/red goggles...I'll wear em...but I don't buy your story cc...sorry.
This is the time of year...every year for the past 10 years...where I come back here to this site wishing and hoping that Yamaha would pull out of their tail spin and come up with something other than the trillion pound tank they call the Apex. I may even be called a "troll" here these days for all the disdain I spew on Yamaha snowmobiles. But I am not a troll because that may imply that there is actually something that Yamaha is doing that would warrant me to come here and stir pot. Seriously....some of you die hards might almost be better going on wheeler forums and defending the benefits of 1983 three-wheelers over modern day ATV's than you can do fighting for these Yamaha sleds. No motor sport industry sector has been abandon so badly as Yamaha has done to sleds since the law forced the outlaw of three wheelers. In my mind (and MANY others)...it's that bad. At least three wheelers had some genuine performance aspects you could get behind. Like.....(get ready for it...deep stuff here).....LIGHT WEIGHT and FUN FACTOR!

But, the dirty little secret here is that somewhere way down deep in my heart, I am a Yamaha sled man because I grew up strictly on Yamaha sleds. Back in the hay day. When they built sleds FOR SLEDDERS and not for themselves and whatever allows them to do the least amount of R&D and cost while they cater to 50 million Chinese riding mopeds in one single city....I used to love Yamaha sleds. Had posters on my wall. Had the hats and jackets. Argued about PERFORMANCE supremacy with my buds. These days...you guys sit around here and try once again to desperately find another reason why these out dated tanks are still okay. Well....they are not. It's as simple as that. Not even in the reliability department anymore. They are all just out dated tanks. Maybe someday Yamaha will listen to sledders other than the brand loyal sheep that you find still defending Yamaha on the internet.

And I say to Yamaha this...as hard as this post is on you...it is deserved. But you still have a place in the sled world. You still have a place in my heart. It's a old rotten faded place in my heart, but still there. And it's there with other sledders too. But you can't fake it. You need to build a genuine performance sled that doesn't try to market bullshiite down our throats on why your sled that weighs 100 lbs more than your competition is better. It is not. PERIOD. End of story. Put in a genuine effort at building what you already know we want. And if you do...I will be there to buy again. But your competitors are leaving you in the dust big time. I bought a Polaris Axys this year and my mind is blown by how much fun it is. I never knew sleds could be this much fun. It's got everything you don't. Light weight. Responsive chassis. Fun factor is off the charts. WHY CANT YOU DO THIS YAMAHA?????!!!!!!!

Yamaha...My nostalgic snowmobile heart continues to be ripped from my chest by you...

Im sorry cc but not reliable try 16000 + miles and only have to do minor maintenance... call me when your Polaris gets to 16000 when only doing minor seasonal maintenance... has some of the members had some major problems yes but what brand hasn't?
Yawn! Enjoy your Axle! I love my big fat heavy tank because it is a big fat heavy STRONG fun tank. Yamaha built the perfect groomed trail/lake racing machine, best on the snow IMHO! Thats what it is, thats what it should always be. Those who buy them for what they are love them. Those who buy Vipers for what they are love them. Those who Buy Vectors for what they are love them. Then there is that other group who listen to much to the competition and follow the path of most of the magazines! To them I say! :moon:

X2 lightweight =$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the long run. If your into trading for a new machine every 2 years go buy all that NEW lightweight junk!!!I will keep what I have, RELIABLE!!!!!!!!!!
My 2012 Apex xtx is a a very robust machine the engine is outstanding ,steers well, the 144 skid needs updating to minimize kick, trim out a few pounds here & there & I would be happy with another one. Maybe the new dampers would help...don't know but 2012 Apex XTX with iceripper & snow trackers a pretty darn good machine that gets me home every night.
I love the Apex but every rough trail gets me thinking about a Viper. I see both sides here. New Apex would certainly be nice but the current Apex does well for what it's designed for.
I love my 06 GT even after doing the necessary mods to make it handle as it does, I would like a new sled but am confused but willing to wait for something great like a 2016 SRX! MY 2006 wit over 10,000 miles is still an amazing sled, as is my 2001 SRX which I also ride a lot. In reading this extensive post it is evident that there are a large number of APEX lovers that refuse to have the Viper shoved down their throat me included. Why can't we get an updated APEX chassis with a 180 hp 4 cyl? If I don't see something awesome come out I will keep and modify my 2006 until I can no longer get parts!
I love my 06 GT even after doing the necessary mods to make it handle as it does, I would like a new sled but am confused but willing to wait for something great like a 2016 SRX! MY 2006 wit over 10,000 miles is still an amazing sled, as is my 2001 SRX which I also ride a lot. In reading this extensive post it is evident that there are a large number of APEX lovers that refuse to have the Viper shoved down their throat me included. Why can't we get an updated APEX chassis with a 180 hp 4 cyl? If I don't see something awesome come out I will keep and modify my 2006 until I can no longer get parts!
I said the same thing until I bought the 2011 Apex LOL Much improved machine.
Been said over and over.......180-200 HP naturally aspirated Apex motor and a new and improved riding rear skid would sell huge.
I think Yamaha should just add some more tech and weight...like they do each year.:drink:
