2016 Yamaha Apex?

H&Kracer said:
It is possible, the 121" apex weigh 549 i think, i know my ltx is 595 dry, they get lighter a arms, exhaust can, little bit more aluminum they just might he able to.
I dont even care about gas, as long as mpg doesnt go down from what it is now, 120mph, under 14k stock, im there. Dont know if i can resist this viper though. Yammi flyer in my sno traveler came yesterday, $500 down, $2k mpi turbo,3yr warranty by the 15th of april. Im almost there, that rtx blue/white 129" track 180hp would screw!
I lost to a pro r rush, bone stock (800) 121". In the trails, no problem, past him 2 times, but on a lake, smokes me off the line and top end. Im def a better driver off the line than him, he used to have an apex, i used to beat him off line everytime but he would end up chasing me down on his rtx 121". Thats why i kinda fed up, i see apex lossing all the time on youtube, getting smoked, i got smoked by a poo poo and pretty sure i lost to a doo doo last year.
Funny thing, i rode the pro r, it is quick, proved to be faster than me on lake and off line. But on the trail, does not feel as torque as the apex when you hammer it, i also feel a lot safer on my sled than that at 100mph.

On the lake this weekend for drag racing on hard packed snow, I got called out by a stock 800 Pro R and I jumped him out of the hole instantly, by the time my speedo was reading 100 I was at least 5 sled lenghts ahead. I didn't see if he had studs or not, I am studded and have a clutch kit, other than that stock. He never came back, just kept running down the lake, I found out after he was talking smack and said an Apex would only beat him in a race all the way across the lake. A lot of these races depend on conditions, my friend has a 700 Switchback that he has worked on all winter long, far from stock, in deep snow he will destroy me every time (he has a 144" track) on a surface where we both hook up, he jumps me 3/4 of a sled length, then I run him down and get about a sled or so ahead of him in 660' The newer Doo's were getting me out of the hole, but by 660' they were only a sled or less ahead of me. In those conditions there were only 3 out of roughly 20 sleds that I couldn't beat (2 of those were full blown drag sleds 200+hp) at least once. Put the Apex on a diet, and bump power, newer design and I'll be sold. Love these sleds, I wouldn't own anything else.
Just heard from four dealers while shopping that the new apex will be a yamaha chassis, and body. Not a cat... Now to dig more lol
Don't count on anything soon, or later. Yamaha will be rebadging more Cats. What you are hearing is also what you are misinterpreting. According to Yamaha the Cat Procross is an SR Viper. You are all being fooled. Yamaha makes more money selling performance dampeners to Toyota and now newly signed Honda, than they do sleds. A head marketing international bird told me 12000 dampeners/day @ over $1000/unit. They don't give a rats little hiney about the marginal profits made in the snowmobile industry. So they capitalize on a parts sharing agreement and make more money with less overhead. Take a wide look at the industry and what Yamaha is doing in the recreational market and you can see the future for yourself. It's because you want to believe. Thats why you all read more into it.
Apexicon. Press the button next to the 3 speed handwarmers and it transforms into a 160 hp shifter cart.
06dukeGT said:
I agee, I mean the 2015 Apex is only offered in 1 color option, so the phasing out is already underway! But DO NOT get rid on 4-cyl. Any apex owner would be happy with a fresh chassis, slightly lighter, with kick-#*$&@ new style! To me, weight is the last of my concern! Give us a future APEX, something fresh! :Rockon:

One color means a phase out? LOL! I wonder if they thought that when Henry Ford said you can have any color you want as long as its black!
I agree with sumpbuster. Get past all of the marketing clutter fed into by all the magazine reviews etc. While I realize we need to keep the industry going with new models etc., Common sense has to play into it as well. I have been riding an RX-1 since 2005. Made a few upgrades, thanks to this forum (see profile), which has kept the sled at the front of the pack all this time. My buddy has purchased 5 ski doos in that time and it was not until that last purchase with R motion/E-tech that the gap just crazy. So I bought a 2011 Apex. A few more tweaks no gap. I think I'll be good for few more years. Are you kidding?..... power steering...163hp.....128 inch track...awesome.
Bigblue, clutter? Hype? Ok, I'm gettin old, but let's see...truck frames...'25% more rigidity than last year..so in my estimation, truck frames are the strongest thing on the planet!! And the mags? I'm sick of them...this years sled is soooooo much better than last years...and then next year, 'this years sled is soooooooooo much better than last year. Ok, save the trouble...all sleds SUCK this year...wait til next year! They will be sooooo much better. Let's face it...sleds were perfected YEARS ago...only some engine efficiencies have improved, at the expense of complexity and price. 14mpg with my old Apex..but guess what? It's friggin still FAST and minor tweaks....??? Great sled. Still is.
Wow, talk about a bunch of Black Helicopter Theorists??

What many of you don't realise, and I've posted this before, is that this agreement between Cat/Yamaha is just a supply agreement, and it's been done may times over in many other industries. Remember the early 90's Chevy Nova/Toyota Corrola? The Mazda pickup/ Ford Ranger? The Dodge/Mitsubishi pickup?

You guys can all stop your rumors of "Yamaha getting out of the sled business" any time now. What this boils down to is that yes, Doo and Poo have a larger market share. So why is it hard to realise that the two underdogs in the market pool their resources to come out with a few good sleds now, while they both go back to the drawing board and come out swinging a few years from now? Cat has good chassis, and Yamahas motors are top notch, hopefully you guys can see that this isn't all bad.
Personally, I think it's an incredibly smart, and great move for both brands.
You guys can all put your brand biased goggles down and look at the big picture. Some members here preach about how loyal they've been, but keep threatening to jump ship, how "loyal" is that? If you're really a loyal person, learn what's up and be supportive.
nate007 said:
Wow, talk about a bunch of Black Helicopter Theorists??

What many of you don't realise, and I've posted this before, is that this agreement between Cat/Yamaha is just a supply agreement, and it's been done may times over in many other industries. Remember the early 90's Chevy Nova/Toyota Corrola? The Mazda pickup/ Ford Ranger? The Dodge/Mitsubishi pickup?

You guys can all stop your rumors of "Yamaha getting out of the sled business" any time now. What this boils down to is that yes, Doo and Poo have a larger market share. So why is it hard to realise that the two underdogs in the market pool their resources to come out with a few good sleds now, while they both go back to the drawing board and come out swinging a few years from now? Cat has good chassis, and Yamahas motors are top notch, hopefully you guys can see that this isn't all bad.
Personally, I think it's an incredibly smart, and great move for both brands.
You guys can all put your brand biased goggles down and look at the big picture. Some members here preach about how loyal they've been, but keep threatening to jump ship, how "loyal" is that? If you're really a loyal person, learn what's up and be supportive.


