2020 Release

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Now that's funny. Glad to see someone at Yamaha has a sense of humor. I think there's a hint at the 1:37 point with "Alpha One Vs. Mystery Sled". I am not an expert on the Alpha but I don't think that's the sled on the left?
Somebody has a lot of spare time on their hands.:drink:
So has everyone seen all the doos and poos along with AC deep discounted trying to rid the full showrooms of non current sleds on the web?
Was in Gaylord a few weeks ago on my way to UP and a $hit load of other three brands sitting there with big mark downs, couple Winders but nothing like the other three makers.
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Somebody has a lot of spare time on their hands.:drink:
So has everyone seen all the doos and poos along with AC deep discounted trying to rid the full showrooms of non current sleds on the web?
Was in Gaylord a few weeks ago on my way to UP and a $hit load of other three brands sitting there with big mark downs, couple Winders but nothing like the other three makers.
Its the same here.
Its the same here.
How can they have leftovers, they did not build any. Besides the Sidewinder, which is clearly not for everyone. Leftovers are not so good but they will always be there when you build and sell a bunch of sleds. Can't make any money to design and build new if you dont have any sales.
Somebody has a lot of spare time on their hands.:drink:
So has everyone seen all the doos and poos along with AC deep discounted trying to rid the full showrooms of non current sleds on the web?
Was in Gaylord a few weeks ago on my way to UP and a $hit load of other three brands sitting there with big mark downs, couple Winders but nothing like the other three makers.
Exactly what I thought but entertaining.
How can they have leftovers, they did not build any. Besides the Sidewinder, which is clearly not for everyone. Leftovers are not so good but they will always be there when you build and sell a bunch of sleds. Can't make any money to design and build new if you dont have any sales.
Can't make any money if you give it away.
I wish someone could provide some good context on the differences in the big 4's approaches to marketing. Like, I can tell Yamaha is somewhat more engineering driven, appears to be more lean, and probably has some best practice engineering, reliability, etc programs going in the background. Their marketing seems more low-key, like Honda's. I always simplistically contrast that against Polaris being like the domestic vehicle manufacturer style, dumping discounted blowout sleds all the time that have lots of reliability and QC issues. I don't have a broad enough or deep enough perspective on the market to be able to frame it in simple terminology. But there are some definite different philosophies at work. If anyone wants to comment on this, I'm all ears.
I wish someone could provide some good context on the differences in the big 4's approaches to marketing. Like, I can tell Yamaha is somewhat more engineering driven, appears to be more lean, and probably has some best practice engineering, reliability, etc programs going in the background. Their marketing seems more low-key, like Honda's. I always simplistically contrast that against Polaris being like the domestic vehicle manufacturer style, dumping discounted blowout sleds all the time that have lots of reliability and QC issues. I don't have a broad enough or deep enough perspective on the market to be able to frame it in simple terminology. But there are some definite different philosophies at work. If anyone wants to comment on this, I'm all ears.
You seem to have a pretty good handle on Yamaha and Polaris yes Polaris is all about cheap price and 2s engines and has a HUGE amount of engine failures that are engineering problems but people buy them mostly price driven. Very true Yamaha is an engineering driven company and marketing try’s to spin the product favorably to the consumer who knows Yamaha sled products are heavy by design but are very reliable 4s snowmobiles. No putting lip stick on a pig you pay big bucks for Japan built sleds and TRF products are middle of the road quality but more features that the public desires. Doo is well balanced marking vs engineering but much more market driven than Yamaha by a long shot. I don’t care for big bore 2s for trail riding they fail plain and simple but Doos 4s line hits all the market segments for me. If Yamaha doesn’t step up the 150 -160 hp 4s market segment I’ll probably eventually buy a Doo 900 Turbo but I remain hopeful Yamaha will impress me in 2020.
2019-02-07 19.20.47.png
Maybe Yamaha needs Toyota Jan!
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