2020 Release

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Don't know what to make of the whole "Global warming " thing,where i live it rarely gets past 20-25 below but when i was a teenager i remember seeing 30-40 below frequently....As far as snow we get more now then when i was in my teens.
Plenty of snow in upper Michigan. Got 500 or so miles in two weeks ago. Sorry to rub it. No pun intended!
Sweet I’m heading there for the week of January 21st!! Hope it doesn’t warm up now before we head up there!!
I'm riding tomorrow no matter what 97 pages woo hoo.
The real problem with a new two stroke.....where do we discuss it! This is TY4 stroke.....do we have to go back to the old school original ty forum?? Ha

I've never been on the 2-stroke forums before.
Those guys don't know me over there.
I better go over there & introduce myself before i scare somebody.
This thread is such a roller coaster of emotion! One minute i read a post about Yamaha shutting down the snowmobile division & it really makes sense, I fall into a deep depression.
Then, I read a post about how Yamaha is just retooling & is making a mega comeback & it really makes sense, Im super excited! Its a viscous cycle but I cant stay away!
Oh well, the good news is, my current sled is 3 models old, so I should be good to go for at least another 20 years until I catch up to either the end of Yamaha, or the new beginning! Tons of snow in NB!!!
Super cool. Bravos are awesome gap sleds. My youngest started with one and then moved up to an Excel. These size of sleds are much needed in my opinion. I have a fat skinned 2011 Bravo that I use mainly for deep trail breaking, and it is amazing. You don't need to get into big bore and wild mods to have fun! In fact, I think it's more fun riding the vintage sleds!
Yep cool, and something that should happen more often. As for the entry level sled, I know the Phaser has been phased:) out. But using that 500cc engine in a similar sized frame as the Phaser, updated with the same engine management technology that was used in the 2016 and up 1049cc yamaha engine, where they can make that 125 hp engine operate like an 80 hp engine when in econo mode, would certainly provide the entry level performance required. Assuming the power reduction is similarly proportional, then that 80 hp sled might act like a 35 hp sled in econo, etc. As long as the modes can be locked out so the youth/beginner could not change them, there is no reason that a sled like that should not be able to take that person through the years until they where ready for larger sled.

Just spit balling.
Yes same here in central WI. Not long ago we had awesome riding. No doubt the climate has changed. I don’t like the “global warming” word it just pisses me off to much. I like climate change better! Lol
It's cyclical. It's actually cooling the last few years, but is warmer over the last 30 average. It will cycle back. Most of the heat energy is in the oceans and it takes time to turn them over. Like a cold spot in a lake. The so called 'warmer' (40 below is 10 degrees 'above average' if the normal is 50 below) temps are occurring in the winter at the poles and the nightime lows are higher because. ...of the warmer oceans, like fog off a warm pool on a cool morning...more clouds at night, warmer lows skewing the averages.
Or not.
We just may be at the wrong time. 1980, no snow anywhere for the Olympics in ny. But Joe Bastardi of weatherbell says it's a climactic cycle...and winter is going to be 'angry' when it arrives....let's hope he's right.
I do volunteer for the national weather service as a storm spotter, so I kind of follow this stuff. But the weather gonna do what the weather gonna do....
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I was having this talk with a guy at work the other day. Why is it that every major winter storm that rolls through Minnesota, Minneapolis is ALWAYS the cut off? Think about that. Either it goes north or it goes south almost every time. I truly believe that Minneapolis is the cause of that. Call me crazy but that's the trend I'm seeing. I believe in global warming 100%. There is too much proof out there that says it. Now the question is, is it human caused? That's the part we don't know for sure. I used to be able to ride right from my house almost every weekend for at least a good month every winter. In the last 5-6 years I have ridden from my house ONCE! There is a change happening that's for sure. I'm at the point now where I'm calling this normal winter and that's sad.

It's coming!!! The US climate models will be wrong again....Bastardi said this would happen back in august. Then again, companies pay for his forecasts, they aren't climate alarmist consensus funded with tax dollars and an agenda. Weather is cyclical. My backyard glaciers all melted from those ancient suv's. I guess anyone can guess what side I'm on...lol!
Mainly, because I WANT SNOW!!!
ok, added some more irrelevance to the initial post...lol
I was having this talk with a guy at work the other day. Why is it that every major winter storm that rolls through Minnesota, Minneapolis is ALWAYS the cut off? Think about that. Either it goes north or it goes south almost every time. I truly believe that Minneapolis is the cause of that. Call me crazy but that's the trend I'm seeing. I believe in global warming 100%. There is too much proof out there that says it. Now the question is, is it human caused? That's the part we don't know for sure. I used to be able to ride right from my house almost every weekend for at least a good month every winter. In the last 5-6 years I have ridden from my house ONCE! There is a change happening that's for sure. I'm at the point now where I'm calling this normal winter and that's sad.

Obviously I am no scientist but I do know one that is a professor from Princeton University who has studied the subject for many years. He is a wealth of knowledge, that's all I'll say. The one thing that I have always felt made a change in jet streams is the cutting of the rain forests in South America. Another thing we cannot dispute is the world population keeps doubling in less and less time . There are just so many natural resources to go around.

OK that's enough on that........back on track. Let's say Yamaha takes over the Cat sled portion. They would have to take on the St. Cloud engine plant and the main plant IMHO. As Don said.....what happens to the other mfg of ATV, UTV's...etc...?

Does Textron move out and go to another facility elsewhere? Maybe it's the other way around but IMHO I think the sled portion needs to stay in a northern located area where the chance of snow is better for testing.
Yeh not for us AGAIN!! Over us/under us.........Tell Trump to come to Minneapolis and take down the wall we have around us. He can use the material for his wall. :o|
Have faith! ! LOL I used to have dreams.. nightmares as a kid...waking up and it's March and no snow and winter was over. .. to ride my 71 skiroule s300...seen good and bad...back then an ice age was coming..lol
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