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2023 Spring Power Surge

That's insane.. So they sell out in one day at MSRP? Anyone see a issue with this? I understand its great for the dealers and manufacture BUT wow is the customer taking it in the shorts at these prices.. I congratulate all that ordered and not trying to rain on anyone's parade at all!, But this is not a healthy way of doing business with customers and or trying to get others in the sport.. You have to be online at a certain time and pay MSRP? This is not healthy for snowmobiling now and down the road.. Most will say "its free market" "supply demand" .. All true but the big picture and health of this sport will be effected by this kind of practice IF IT CONTINUES.
Can't imagine this will continue once production capacity is back to normal.
It will be a while before we are back to the good old days when you walked into the dealer in March and bought a leftover off the floor for $2,000 off MSRP.

I'm sure these MSRPs are never going back down. Incentives might come back up again down the road.
That's insane.. So they sell out in one day at MSRP? Anyone see a issue with this? I understand its great for the dealers and manufacture BUT wow is the customer taking it in the shorts at these prices.. I congratulate all that ordered and not trying to rain on anyone's parade at all!, But this is not a healthy way of doing business with customers and or trying to get others in the sport.. You have to be online at a certain time and pay MSRP? This is not healthy for snowmobiling now and down the road.. Most will say "its free market" "supply demand" .. All true but the big picture and health of this sport will be effected by this kind of practice IF IT CONTINUES.

All good points but somethings to keep in mind:

Are there some dealers taking advantage of the situation? For sure, and those that are sure give us dealers a bad name who try and treat people fairly. The only fees we charge on top of our sale price are tax, license, and a maximum of $100 documentation fee depending on the product. Most powersports products are $50 documentation.

MSRP isn't necessarily the inflated number it used to be. The gap between invoice and MSRP has shrunk considerably and continues to shrink with freight surcharges and mid season price increases. Our philosophy around here has always been to be below MSRP but on some models its becoming more difficult.

To sell a Venom, Snow Scoot, or SRX120 at MSRP wouldn't even pay for an employee to take it out of the crate and do PDI. If we sell a SRX120 for retail we would lose money on it. Yeah, you read that right. Crazy times.

Based on numbers alone, we should have gotten out of the snowmobile business years ago. Its not really a money making venture like it used to be. We do it because we are passionate about the sport, and its how this business got its roots.

That's insane.. So they sell out in one day at MSRP? Anyone see a issue with this? I understand its great for the dealers and manufacture BUT wow is the customer taking it in the shorts at these prices.. I congratulate all that ordered and not trying to rain on anyone's parade at all!, But this is not a healthy way of doing business with customers and or trying to get others in the sport.. You have to be online at a certain time and pay MSRP? This is not healthy for snowmobiling now and down the road.. Most will say "its free market" "supply demand" .. All true but the big picture and health of this sport will be effected by this kind of practice IF IT CONTINUES.

Competition and supply chain issues being fixed will correct the way business is done, it will have less effect on pricing. The days of high margins for dealers are long gone. We won't see the channel stuffing we used to see either (manufacturers forcing dealers to take inventory) in the same way it used to happen. It would be nice however to get back to the point where you don't have to panic buy or get left wondering if you will even get a sled.
The margins on power sports equipment here in the land of Canuck’s has been absolute garbage for years now. Although I don’t necessarily agree with the current sales tactics, I also recognize the fact that many dealers were forced to give up selling sleds because continuing to do so at that time was forcing them into bankruptcy. A manufacturer should never put you in that type of position. I consider this current climate an over correction of sorts, the way it all shakes out will be very interesting. I have no intention of buying a new Yamacat, ever, so I’m just on the sideline watching this slowly evolve while I eat my popcorn. Im sorry for both the consumers and the good, well meaning dealers caught in the middle here.
That's insane.. So they sell out in one day at MSRP? Anyone see a issue with this? I understand its great for the dealers and manufacture BUT wow is the customer taking it in the shorts at these prices.. I congratulate all that ordered and not trying to rain on anyone's parade at all!, But this is not a healthy way of doing business with customers and or trying to get others in the sport.. You have to be online at a certain time and pay MSRP? This is not healthy for snowmobiling now and down the road.. Most will say "its free market" "supply demand" .. All true but the big picture and health of this sport will be effected by this kind of practice IF IT CONTINUES.
Supply and demand. Even in 2019 when I bought my SW I paid MSRP with no dealer add ons
i hate when i here dealer not making any money give a break back a few years when i worked for a dealer if you made 500.00 on a sled you are happy today you say no mark up well lets talk about the hold back and paying the unit off early to get the extra money no you guys are not happy you have to add on top of MSRP to the tune of 1k -2k . it is Bull S*** they need to do too guys like GM did when dealer where adding to 25k to the new Z06 well Gm set letter and told Dealers to stop all this now because they realize that his will hurt them in the long term and ford and Chrysler did the same thing NO ADDING TO MSRP. have a dealer here he has sold a total of 140 sled an has 20 more to go and he adds 1500.00 on top of MSRP thats an extra 240,000 in profits thanks for the screw you program an i hope it all back fires on all of you. sorry to vent
Supply and demand. Even in 2019 when I bought my SW I paid MSRP with no dealer add ons
If your comfortable with it its your money.. I just sense lots of people are being taken advantage of because of "covid supply issues" And this Yamaha pre order day was great example IMO.

Cat will be the same thing obviously as everyone saw the Yamaha show the other day
This whole ordering online thing sucks imo. Some people there type of work, we can't be on the computer or phone all day waiting to order a sled, I'd never get a new sled if this keeps up. Plus not to mention Yamaha Canada sends me an email at 5pm that day to explore and order your new sled. Ya right they were sold out at like 2pm.
There is a dealer 45 minutes from my house who has been marking up all their 2022 sleds $3k-$5k over MSRP. They currently have 25 sleds in stock.

Almost every other dealer in the state is sold out of 2022 sleds.

What is worse for business? Selling all your sleds at cost or break even, or only selling a handful of sleds at inflated prices, and then sitting on them all summer?

Make no mistake, there will be a sled shortage again next season. Maybe their bet will pay off.
This whole ordering online thing sucks imo. Some people there type of work, we can't be on the computer or phone all day waiting to order a sled, I'd never get a new sled if this keeps up. Plus not to mention Yamaha Canada sends me an email at 5pm that day to explore and order your new sled. Ya right they were sold out at like 2pm.
Thats a good point, I have received about 20 emails from Polaris about snowcheck, news, updates, etc and I don't even own one. I filled out something for ride command.
