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Always rotate your Clutch CCW to prevent issues when changing clutch parts!!

I talked to few engine builders and this has happened so the few of us that have been lucky should take this as a warning and be cautious of a problem if spinning it back wards.
I happen to be the one shagnos speaks of. I can tell everyone here first hand my experience turning my 09 fx nytro engine backwards while doing primary clutching. Anyone who has any experience with overhead cam engines knows there is a stationary chain guide and a tensioner chain guide, when rotated backwards the slack side or tensioner chain guide forces the hyd tensioner back (oh and I know it has a mechanical lock so it cant fully depress) but it did. Stay with me, now that the chain is completely slacked, it balled up leaving crank chain sprocket wedging the links between the lower portion of the stationary guide and sprocket, breaking the guide. So I removed the engine and replaced the timing chain components, the new guides were totally different then the original ones. The replacements were longer and had a different curve at the crank ends so that even when the timing chain was slack the links could not ball up between the sprocket and guides.
Thanks for explaining that. Wow it was way back in 2011? Time sure flies. At least now you may have saved someone a big problem. Maybe Ben will chime in on his experience? He must have had a problem also otherwise why even mention it?
That said I would for sure buy another Sidewinder. But no way in hell would I turn the engine backwards. Thanks Hyprst!!
Ok I won't spin mine backwards but I was thinking...I know sometimes it hurts to think but here goes. These engines with the exhaust facing rearward and the intake in the front are mounted backwards from the factory compared to every other snowmobile engine right? So when we start them up they are already running backwards compared to every other snowmobile engine.
Pretty sure I've spun my clutch both ways while adjusting weights . . . Anyone know how I'd even know if my timing was now off?
Yes,it may backfire and bend valve,my dealer told me yesterday that they have one in for repair under warrenty,for bent valve,from wrong rotation of motor,as it will fitch up at some point,and when this happens,you should notice a tightness,as it will not want to continue rotation,in that direction. if rotation continues,it can jump a tooth of timing,than when you start it back up,and rev motor,it can jump timing and that is when it could bend valve.
Ok I won't spin mine backwards but I was thinking...I know sometimes it hurts to think but here goes. These engines with the exhaust facing rearward and the intake in the front are mounted backwards from the factory compared to every other snowmobile engine right? So when we start them up they are already running backwards compared to every other snowmobile engine.
If you looked at the engine at the show, you can see the "slack" side of the timing chain(where tensioner is) is on the backside(See pic below) So if you rotate the clutch backwards, you are yanking on the slack side, and if the spring loaded tensioner happens to not hold tight enough against the compression when turning it backwards, the chain now will go slack and "may" skip a tooth.

IMO this is not gonna happen super easily, but it is something to think about and just try not to do so you never screw it up by accident.

Yes,it may backfire and bend valve,my dealer told me yesterday that they have one in for repair under warrenty,for bent valve,from wrong rotation of motor,as it will fitch up at some point,and when this happens,you should notice a tightness,as it will not want to continue rotation,in that direction. if rotation continues,it can jump a tooth of timing,than when you start it back up,and rev motor,it can jump timing and that is when it could bend valve.
Hmmmmm total BS.
I was being sarcastic. Look back through the thread. You will see.
Yup,i had to,cause I thought you were the guy who brought this to every ones attention for that valve lol all good bro,hey did you ever get your sled to beat the nitro turbo,that you were going back and forth with?
Yup,i had to,cause I thought you were the guy who brought this to every ones attention for that valve lol all good bro,hey did you ever get your sled to beat the nitro turbo,that you were going back and forth with?
beast, I actually found it elsewhere and thought it should be mentioned here and posted the link. I too have rolled mine backwards and cringed at the thought. Glad it has been hashed out here.
beast, I actually found it elsewhere and thought it should be mentioned here and posted the link. I too have rolled mine backwards and cringed at the thought. Glad it has been hashed out here.
Absolutely,thats what is so nice about this site,everyone chips in,and at the end of the day,we come away with a better product,than factory gave us. lol
Yup,i had to,cause I thought you were the guy who brought this to every ones attention for that valve lol all good bro,hey did you ever get your sled to beat the nitro turbo,that you were going back and forth with?
Never got to run him again but I think I got him handled now. Who knows what he's doing this summer? Next season will be fun. Let's hope for more snow!
Never got to run him again but I think I got him handled now. Who knows what he's doing this summer? Next season will be fun. Let's hope for more snow!
Man that last vid. you had made when the lg ball of snow fell into your lap,what had that done to your sled that day?
