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Anyone have any oil leaks?


Mar 31, 2005
Just cleaning the sled up to put away and noticed undside of skidplate is covered with oil. Trails were rough last ride so I figured it may have splashed out of the vent into the airbox and down the front of the motor. The oil level was good. I pressure washed and degreased but it looks like the oil may have pushed out of the bottom case gasket in the front. Has anyone had any oil leaks?

I noticed a few oil drips in the bottom front of the motor oil level is down slightly.

Not too worried about it 5 year warranty I'm more irritated by the hyfax wear.
I did but I think it came out of the air box intake which is just in front of the motor. Looked like it came out of air box and ran down motor. I've heard of it coming out of breather when you put the sled on its side.
How ironic I should log on tonight and see this thread started here. I was just gonna leave for a ride today and after letting the sled warm up for about 5 mins(my wife had it out about an hour and a half before that) I was about to drive away when I notice a few drops of oil on the snow. I looked underneath and the bellypan had oil drops hanging off of the front of it. Needless to say I drove straight back into the garage and didn't go out. I had my first service done by the dealer and this was my second ride with it. I pulled all of the panels off including the two lower and the belly pan to expose everything. The oil tank drain plug and bottom hose were nice and dry. The oil filter was nice and dry around it and the crank case plug was all dry. After searching with a trouble light for a bit I noticed the front of the motor was wet right below the airbox. Then it hit me. I jumped on the forums and searched and found several threads on this. After checking my oil again it's a little above the "H" mark after my dealer service. The sled has never been on its side but the trails have been fairly rough lately and I do wring its neck(WOT) whenever I can! I'm guessing my oil level is too full, thanks to the dealer, and it's pushing it into the airbox and pissing it down the front of the motor. To rectify this should I simply loosen the drain plug on the bottom of the oil tank to drain some of the oil and then wipe out the airbox if there's still oil in there? I didn't have any of those push type fasteners for the headlight assembly so I didn't wanna take them out in case I broke some. I'll pick some up tomorrow. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Do not mean to hi-jack this thread but perhaps it could help us all.
hey Blue.

I have had the same situation, oil tank was abit full, I found taking a turkey baister with a hose on the end to draw some of the oil out of the tank. I have heard of guys trying to drain off abit of oil from the tank threw the bottom drain plug and whooosh basicly drop the plug when unscrewing and drain the oil out haha.

if you can just draw abit of oil out with some sorta sucking device. save you alot of pain if you do drop the drain plug. plus you wont have to remove all those plastic clips.

I have a ton of oil leaking too. Mine seems to be sucking the chain case oil out of the chaincase. Could this be a jackshaft problem? My buddies could smell it burning behind me.
There was another thread about oil in the bellypan, and I had posted there too, but in a nutshell here's what happened to me.

Changed oil myself, overfilled by about 1/2 pint, blew some of the excess out breather into airbox, noticed oil dripping off bellypan.

I have a fluid evacuator for changing oil in my PWC, so I just sucked out enough so it now reads between full & low (1/2 way on checkers) Never a problem since.

You'll need to take out the airbox & clean it good with Brak-Kleen or Carb cleaner, and hose down the front of the block too with cleaner.

No need for concern here guys, just an overfull crankcase & oiltank. Think about the volume of oil being pumped thru this engine at 8,000 RPMS and the crankcase pressures along with it. If there's an excess of oil it will get pushed out.
I was helping my brother inlaw change his oil about 2 weeks ago on his xtx and found oil on the bottom cover we found that about half of his pan bolts were loose. Talk about a pain to tighten the front bolts.
I just got back from a 1000 mile trip in Maine and had the same problem 7 miles from the trailer. Headed out across the lake in Rangley and my temp light came on but no big deal... had to stop and get our trail permit and after returning to the sled to start our ride I noticed oil under the sled. After pulling the sled apart found that the oil was all over the front of the motor and appeared to be coming from the air filter breather. The oil tank seemed to be over full so we tipped the sled on its side and dumped some out the top of the tank. Sled ran great after that.
Sounds good guys! I'll suck some out of the tank to bring the level lower! Would it be good enough to check my air filter and clean if necessary and just wipe out the airbox. I've heard they're a PIA to totally remove!! There is absolutely no way you can put a value on this website!! The info and knowledge a guys finds on here is second to none. Thx for all of your input fellas.
Thanks for the responses guys. I'll take a little oil out, I thought it came from the air box just wasn't sure. I think I'll check the pan bolts also.
I think this may be a common problem. When I did my first service I noticed oil under the pan. I did check the air box but it was dry. After careful inspection I found the bottom oil pan bolts were loose. I did tighten them all up, it did slow down the leak, but its still damp and will go in for some warranty work.
I too have an oil leak. My opinion is that it's coming from the oil pan. All my bolts were loose. I made an attempt to re-torque them, but absolutely cannot get access to the top center 4. The strengthening plate on the 2009 subframe is in the way. I might drill 1/4" holes thru the plate that align with the pan bolts so I can get my hex keys in there. Any other advice?
