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Attak season end impressions


Dec 31, 2006
Regina, Saskatchewan
Needed a new sled this year to keep up with other riding buddies, old sled was 94 vmax600 st, they ride xfires and gades. Didn't go this route as I have seen the problems with belts on the gade and didn't like the quiality of the finish of the cats, I have always liked the fit and finish of the yamaha and think the quality of the machine was always better than the others, although my last non yamaha machine was in '82 so can't really comment on the others longevity.

What I like about the Attak:

THE MOTOR, this thing rocks. The reposnse and power of this engine is very impressive and I love the fact I can get 240 km to a tank compared to 75km on the vmax.

THE RIDE. I found the mono skid have a good ride on the trail (after I put in the big Spring) It soaked up bumps like crazy, it was only the huge ones or bad landings that would make it bottom.

CARVING. For some reason, I dont know why this machine loves to carve the problem is getting it to the deep powder.

What I didn't like:

THE MACHINE, I have never rode a snowmachine before that hates snow! In any thing more than 5" of soft snow (unless your carving) the thing just trenches, I spent days trying to get it to ride on top of the snow with no success. I actually pulled the old vmax out more than a few times after a snowfall because it was fun to ride, the Attak was not.

THE QUALITY. By this I don't mean the way its built, but how it was engineered. The amount of ice buildup is unbelievable by the front heatexchanger, it actually caused the bottom plastiic pannels to warp in the shape of wings under the front. It has also claimed two RA cables in the skid. And for all the ice that is in the skid it was able to burn up hyfax quickly not to mention the track and warping the idler wheels. This still baffles me have had sleepless nights because of it.

Keeping all this in mind I can't decide if I should keep this sled or not, hate the way it handles the snow, but found I actually like riding trails! Was thinking of making it a 144" with a 2" challenger but with the skid problems (hyfax, idlers) don't know if this is a good idea. And I don't think I can go back to a 2 stoke I love the tourque to much. Oh well I guess I will have more sleepless nights thinking about this. Would like to hear what others think I should do. Long track it and keep it or go with with something different.

Good Post, I basically feel the same about the Attak's deep snow performance, though I've only got 200 miles on it so far. but once you get off the trail, it's not good.

I definitely have to extend mine, a 144 x 2 challenger is on the way.

I just can't walk away from this motor to get a deep snow sled, so I'm extending mine this Summer. The Apex MTN is too much, I wish Yammie would do a 144 sled for us!
Great report,I also feel the Attak is just a groomed trail sled,but What A Sled!Again off trail it is horrible, in a world with todays technology and all the other brands out there for YAMAHA to test, they surely could have done a better job.This is called a SNOWMOBILE you can use a Quad on trails.But still love most of the SNOWMOBILE.I also am most likely trading my Attak for a sled that likes snow and doesn't dip and dive in OFF trail conditions.
You guys all need to talk to lazybastard,he did the 144 i think it was the 144,and he loves his now,hartman and mountain performance both have 144 kits that help with the aproach angle,and from what i hear,it works wonders for it,also gearing down with this longer track will help lots to,good luck and keep the faith!! :4STroke:
You would think a 144 x 2 would be the ticket for this sled off trail, I mean it's not that much heavier than the Poo FST which is a 144x1.25. It has more horses.

Keep the torque, get some powder performance - that would do it for me.

Another end of season observation - Too freaking loud!

How about along with the 144, a quiet exhaust that shaves some pounds?!
I am glad i am not the only who feels this way. It does suck to have to sink money into a sled that IMO is priced to high, especially here in Canada, but if I keep this one as long as the last (13 years) I guess it will be worth it.

Tal, I don't find mine overly loud although I did the day I changed the oil for the first time, doing some ditch banging and after a hard landing it seemed to get louder and louder, that night when i changed the oil I found the air box was secured improperly on the throttle bodies, after the oil change back to normal. Dealer must not have tighted enough when puting in the battery. I for one love the sound of this sled but not opposed to shaving some weight.

Would still like to hear from someone who has a 144 x 2 on how the hyfax wear is on the trail or will this make it an off trail sled only?
i think the attak is not bad in the deep snow i put on mountain skis and shes not too bad . helps cuz all the weight is in the front , never had any trouble. the stock skis are toothpicks and need to be changed for off trail riding.keep the momentum going and all is well. just my thoughts ..AS FAR AS HYFAX I WILL PUT POLARIS WHEELS ON WHICH ARE SLIGHTLY BIGGER THEN THE YAMMIES ONES.
I still have yet to see the hyfax issues but I run my track very loose and with no studs. This is not a true x over sled cause it isn't good in powder cause of the weight. Its better than a srx, but not much lol I feel if a dealer sold you this sled and said it would run with a switch or crossfire in powder they need to actually go ride one in powder and when they get stuck let them dig it out by themselves. lol
I was going to order one for next year, but after reading your posts, I think I will wait and see next fall. I ride an 03 600 RMK and wanted a better X-over. My riding is about 50% on trail and the other half off. I love the RMK, point and shoot, see a hill, go for it, but its time for new and I wanted to say good bye to the 2-smoke. I do not want anything longer then a 144" for the trails, so the 136 looks real nice, plus my trailer is only 10 feet long......... Laying out $16000.00 for a sled and spending more to make it work, just does not sound right. I can buy two 2-smokes for that.

HELP!!!! what shall I do?
jca61, I would not get an attak for your riding, that is for sure unless it is spring snow conditions. Maybe a fx nytro would work for you? Also with the new polaris lineup I would suggest a dragon switch.
I also do some back country where fresh snow can be to your neck over night. So now you see my problem. Maybe keep the RMK for the off trail and an Attack for all the other riding. I really wish someone would make a good crossover sled. 136" 1.5" track, medium height bars, foward rider position. Almost like the Renagade but in 4-stroke....I really do not want another 2-stroke...
I'm going to try and make the my 07 Attak get in the powder - this Summer I'm going to put on a 144x2 challenger track, change wheels and gears.

It just seemed like the 151" Nytro or the 162" Apex MTN is too much for crossover apps.

I would like to have a sled that was good enough on trails to get you to the powder and then be able to get on it! It seems like if I am not in someone elses tracks or deeper than 1 ft of powder, I'm riding a submarine.
hate to say it but for any powder riding I can think of many other sleds I would rather have than any yamaha, unless you have some serious coin for a turbo and all the lite weight parts they make.
i agree, i've noticed my attak isn't the deep snow sled i thought it would be. oh well, still one hell of a trail sled, love the ride! anytime i want to mess in the deep stuff i take out my viper 136, it'll do circles around my attak in the deep. still wouldn't trade my attak for anything
