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Bent Spindle


Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
Rockton, Pa
2011 Nytro XTX
I just noticed after riding today that my left spindle is bent in where the upper a-arm attaches. The a-arm bolt was still tight. Has this happened to anyone before? I didn't notice anything erratic today riding to cause this.


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I noticed that on mine as well today. No I'll effects that I've noticed. I never hit anything either...... wierd
Being as I need a new spindle now should I replace it with a stocker or an aftermarket like SLP. I am unsure who else makes spindles for the Nytro and open to suggestions. I also don't know how aftermarket spindles would work with my Mountaintech 43 + 2 A-arms. If anyone has experience with this please let me know. Thanks
That's nothing. I did this last March


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Oh crap. My dad is a TV repair man , he has tools we can fix that . Wow . How did u do that?
Sprintcat if you're talking to me that happened last season, I appreciate the willingness to help though, thank you. I threw a new frame a spindle in it and its all good now. I was riding in maine, went in an open field, came over a small hill rather quick and happened to find the one fallen, snow covered tree in the whole field. Luckily just damaged pride and a night's worth of repair work.
Can you post a pic of your other spindle how it is currently mounted?

I found this on the internet. It's not my sled but it's this setup. Don't feel like walking out to the barn just now.


  • trailtecha-arm3_zpsa7819efb-1.jpg
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I have noticed that the spindle is made out of a kind of soft metal. A quick search will show that a few people on here agree. The only aftermarket spindle that comes to mind is JRE but I don't see them mentioned too much on here. zbroz uses a custom spindle for their front ends so there's one more.
Give Peter at MountainTech a call. He may know of some spindles that will work.
I found this on the internet. It's not my sled but it's this setup. Don't feel like walking out to the barn just now.
OK, reason I ask is, when I installed my mountaintech arms, the photos embedded in his online installation instructions weren't working, so I had no reference (there weren't any really any good side shots in the product photos either). I ended up installing both spacers on top of the spindle, so the nut for the top spindle bolt went exactly where the nut for the stock set-up goes. When I rechecked the online instructions later, the photos were working and I realized my mistake (should only be one spacer on top, then one inbetween the two "webs" of the spindle, and nut under the lower web.) If it was installed the way I initially did it I could totally see bending the spindle pretty easily. I was just wondering if perhaps you made the same error.
Thats right 1 goes between the webs, That was an update Pete from Mountaintech added after a few of us had issues. Mine bent slightly,but was able to get the spacer in with some persuasion.

Looking at older versions of the mountaintech a arm kits, looks like they originally only came with one spacer per spindle bolt and the nut was secured in the same location as the stock set-up. If you go on the mountaintech site and look at the installation photos, they now provide two spacers per spindle bolt, one goes on top of the spindle, the other goes between the top spindle surface and the rib below it, and the nut goes beneath the lower rib (making that term up). I'm guessing this change was made due to the potential for the very issue that you just experienced. The spacer on top of the spindle creates more leverage than stock and was probably bending the top of the spindles. By running it through both ribs with a spacer between, you greatly increase the strength of the system. Was yours the old set-up or the new one?
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