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Carver Performance Update


Dec 29, 2005
Milw. WI
this is my 3rd season on my LTX. The first season I worked with the stock suspension only to be left disappointed with the more than firm ride. The second season I spent around $1000 on the Hygear set up. Absolutely the biggest waste of money I ever spent on a aftermarket product. I tried to adjust all season to no avail. I tried different springs and to no avail. Hygear just does not work or listen to their customer. There's nothing more frustrating than to struggle with suspension set up during our very short season. I average around 1500 miles per year and that's a lot of miles to be pounding yourself down the trail.
This summer I contacted Mike at Carver. After talking with him I could tell that not only does he listen to his customers, he knows Arctic Cat and he has experience beyond (at least my years). This is the kind of guy that you want working on your sled.
I just returned from my first trip this season in the UP and let me tell you that the ride quality and overall performance of Carver's package for the Viper is light years ahead of Hygear and ('14) stock settings. It's plush when you need it yet it responds when you push it hard. Virtually no trail chatter on the long rail grades, felt like you were riding on air. On big G's you could tell that you've used all the suspension travel with an occasional bottom out. The sled feels very stable in high speed corners and responds very well in tight corners. The best part about this set up is when doing some final tweaking you could feel a difference in each change that you've made. Thanks Mike and Happy trails!

I almost started a post like this. Let's just say thanks to Cannodale who put me onto them and Carver and proud to put there decal on my sled. If there was only one mod that has really made a difference is my skid shock revalve. Seriously I went from a 3/4 ton truck to a plush Cadillac in ride. Yesterday we pounded the ditches and driveways and it was amazing and fun. I got some big air a few times and such a soft landing. The powder was deep and you could totally enjoy drifts and driveways without beating yourself up. Yes I am a little stiff today but it would have been a lot worse last year. Thanks Steve and Carver.
