I have not heard from my dealer in a few weeks (sled has been in for awhile, but was waiting on prep/assembly.) So, I called to check on status. Amongst one other issue, he said they got a memo from Cat last week about not studding. They were originally going to help me get started on studding my SW while I was there before taking home. He's waiting for more info. He said he has not heard from yamaha about this.
have him provide you with a copy of the memo...probably says if studding causes dont have warranty...
Yes, the procross has been studded since it came out in 2012. But not until 2017 did it get the louvers. I truly believe it was a last minute attempt to stop the head pipes from cracking.
The cast iron head pipe/exhaust manifold sounds like a good candidate for ceramic coating or thermal wrap at the very least.
